The Antitank Encyclopedia

Antitank warfare in WW1

WWI antitank guns & rifles: As entente tanks entered the fray, the Germans quickly adapted past the surprise and adopted the K bullet, the Tankgewehr M1918 rifle, the MG18, and the antitank gun 3.7 cm TAK 1918. These were the first attempts to stop tanks, and a race, which is still not over, started more than 100 years ago...

It's very clear that as soon as tanks were introduced on the battlefield, at Flers-Courcelette in April 1917 (battle of the Somme) it provoked the expected panic within Germans troops at first. The revolutionary new weapon proved its worth. However as soon as reports of these reach the German High Command, countr-measures were st in place: Instructions for field artillery to fire in direct trajectory on tanks, K-bullets for regular rifles distributed to the infantry, and developement of a dedicated antitank rifle. This was only the beginning.

Development in WW2

WW2 Antitank rifles, guns, rockets and Self propelled grenades - Killing Tanks became an industry: It was clear for all in 1918 that tanks needed a countermeasure, and interwar light guns, even machine-guns and still rifles seemed to do the job. But with armour progresses, heavier guns and infantry weapons such as the piat, bazooka and panzerfaust became a new threat for tanks.

During WW2, belligerents used dozens of different models of antitank weapons, ranging from interwar antitank rifles to dual purpose high velocity guns like the feared German 88 mm, mines and even rockets. WW2 showed also a race to have these new antitank guns placed in armoured vehicles and tanks as soon as possible. At the end of the war, cruisers-caliber guns were not uncommon on the battlefield, but infantry, with the Panzerfaust or the Bazooka, now had means to defeat tanks. Still, no guided antitank missile was at hand but the Ruhrstahl X-4 to 10 series (Rotkäppchen).

Cold war Tech

Cold War AT guns and missiles: The missile revolution:

Both NATO and the Warsaw pact, benefiting from German research in 1945, progressed in the field of missiles, and the 1950s saw an explosion of models, even carried by dedicated tanks or going to infantry fighting vehicles. Armour progressed accordingly and the race intensified until 1990, and is not over yet.

The great revolution of the cold war, already tested in 1944, was the missile. Instead of trying to fire on a tank at a distance, it was soon found safer and more effective to send a missile on a tank or any armoured vehicle. Soon, missiles entered the fray and rapidly earned their battlefield laurels at multiple occasions. Tanks were protected against them, in a race which is still on today. From heavy missiles to portable ones such as the RPG, the catalog of antitank weaponry and new adversaries for tanks, like dedicated planes such as the A-10 and Frogfoot or combat helicopters, further complicated the environment in which armoured vehicles operates. It clearly made it more threatening, in particular in an urban environment.

Future antitank warfare

A global industry: Modern AT guns and missiles

A today's paradox is that tanks are somewhat seen are obsolete -it has been claimed many times over the decades), their conception going back sometimes 40 years prior, while versatile infantry fighting vehicles of all kind, wheeled or tracked, seems on the rise. If guns are no longer used, a new generation of AT missiles seems to be more potent than ever.

If classic tank guns shells are defeated now by the most recent and advanced armour combinations, most recent, high tech solution had been to target arguably the weakest part of a tank, its deck and roof armor. Using a plunging missile like the Javelin for example, or a slealthy drone, with any kind of AT payload. Drones are affordable more discreet than helicopters. Belarus possessed an antitank rocket lifted by four small props and Iran developed a a drone carrying Sadid-I AT missiles. Antitank ammunitions fired by field artillery could also be deadly. All this made tanks more and more vulnerable on the battlefield, something confirmed by the recent ukraine war.

Antitank Guns & Antitank List:

Antitank guns

British antitank guns ww2 Ordnance QF 17-pounder

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1942 to 10,000+

The Ordnance Quick-Firing 17-pounder translated into 76.2 mm (3 inches). Probably the best and most iconic antitank gun of the allies in WW2. Developed from 1940 already to replace the QF 6-pounder, prototypes were tested from mid-1942 up to early 1943 and it was first operational in the Italian Campaign. used on its own carriage, it was also adapted on many British tanks. The APDS shot was a game changer, enabling the destruction of all but the thickest armour of German tanks. After the war it was replaced by the 120 mm BAT recoilless rifle and 84 mm 20 pounder, but its legacy and cold war variants created a legacy which endures to this day.
Author's rendition of the 17-pdr

⚙ Specifications 17 Pdr/55

Dimensions13 ft 9 in (4.191 m) x 7 ft 3in x 5ft 3in (4.19 x 2.2 x 1.6m)
Mass 3050 kgs or 3 long tons
Crew5 (commander, gunner, pointer, 2 loaders)
Load/recoil Vertical sliding-breech/hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-6° to +16.5°/60°
Rate of fire10 practical, 20 rpm cyclic
Muzzle velocity2,900 ft/s HE, 3,950 ft/s APDS
Range 1.5 km (0.93 mi), up to 10.5 km (6.5 mi)
Shell Fixed QF 76.2×583mmR (R/135mm), 7 types

British antitank guns ww2 British Ordnance QF 2-pounder

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1936 to 1944, 12,000

The 2-pounder (2-pdr) anti-tank gun was a British-designed weapon used during World War II to counter German tanks. It was one of the primary anti-tank guns used by the British army during the early stages of the war, before it was gradually replaced by more powerful weapons.

The 2-pdr gun had a caliber of 40 mm and a maximum range of 1,400 meters. It was initially designed as a mobile weapon that could be easily transported and set up by a small crew, and it proved to be effective against the early German tanks such as the Panzer III and IV.

However, as the war progressed and the Germans developed more heavily armored tanks, the 2-pdr gun became less effective. The British responded by developing larger and more powerful anti-tank guns such as the 6-pdr and the 17-pdr.

Despite its limitations, the 2-pdr gun remained in service throughout the war and was used in a variety of roles, including as an anti-tank gun, an anti-aircraft gun, and a coastal defense weapon.
Author's rendition of the 2-pdr

⚙ Specifications 2 Pdr/50

Dimensions2.08 m (6 ft 10 in) L/52 bore 2 m (6 ft 7 in) L/50
Mass 814 kg (1,795 lb)
Crew3-5 (commander, gunner, pointer, 2 extras)
Load/recoilBreech-loaded Semi-automatic vertical sliding-block, Hydro-spring
Elevation/traverseElevation -13° to +15°, Traverse 360°
Rate of fire22 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity792 m/s (2,600 ft/s) with AP shot
Range 1,500 yd (1,400 m)/Maximum 1,800 yd (1,600 m)
Shell 40×304mmR 40 mm (1.575 in)
Carriage/sights three-leg platform, Sights No.24b

British antitank guns ww2 3-inches gun M5

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1943 to 1945, 2,500

The 3-inch Gun M5 was an anti-tank gun used by the United States during World War II. It was an improvement over the earlier 3-inch Gun M3, with a longer barrel and higher muzzle velocity, giving it improved anti-tank capabilities.

The M5 gun had a caliber of 76.2mm and a maximum range of 12,500 yards (11.4 km). It weighed around 5,400 pounds (2,450 kg) and could fire up to 15 rounds per minute.

The M5 gun was mounted on a variety of vehicles, including the M6 heavy tank destroyer and the M10 tank destroyer, and saw service in both the European and Pacific theaters of the war. It was effective against most German tanks, including the Panther and Tiger, and was also used as an artillery piece for indirect fire support.

After World War II, the M5 gun remained in service with the US military and was also supplied to various allied countries. It saw action in the Korean War and was finally phased out of service in the 1950s.

Author's rendition of the 3-in M5

⚙ Specifications 3-inches gun M5

Dimensions3.4 m (11 ft 2 in) x 2.2 m (7 ft 3 in) x 1.62 m (5 ft 4 in)
Mass 2,210 kg (4,872 lbs)
Crew9 (commander, gunner, pointer, 6 loaders)
Load/recoilHorizontal-block Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−5° to +30°, 45°
Rate of fire12 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity792 m/s (2,600 ft/s) with AP/APCBC rounds
Range 14.7 km (9.13 mi)
Shell 76.2 × 585 mmR 3 in (76.2 mm)
Carriage/sights7.1 m (23 ft 4 in) Split trail

us guns37mm gun M3 on carriage M4

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1940 to 1943, 18,702

The 37mm M1 Anti-Tank Gun was an anti-tank weapon used by the United States during World War II. It was designed to be a lightweight, mobile weapon that could be easily transported by a small crew.

The M1 gun had a caliber of 37mm and a maximum range of around 4,500 yards (4.1 km). It weighed around 500 pounds (227 kg) and could fire up to 20 rounds per minute.

The M1 gun was used in the early stages of World War II, and was effective against light and medium German tanks such as the Panzer II and III. However, it quickly became obsolete as the Germans developed more heavily armored tanks.

The M1 gun was replaced by larger and more powerful anti-tank guns such as the 57mm M1 and the 75mm M3. However, it continued to be used in other roles, such as an infantry support weapon and an anti-aircraft gun.

Overall, the M1 gun was an important weapon in the early stages of the war, but was eventually replaced by more powerful weapons as the conflict progressed.

Author's rendition of the 3-in M5

⚙ Specifications 37 mm M1 AT Gun

Dimensions3.92 m (12 ft 10.3 in) x 1.61 m (5 ft 3.4 in) x 0.96 m (3 ft 1.8 in)
Mass 414 kg (912 lb)
Crew4-6 (commander, gunner, pointer, 1-3 loaders)
Load/recoilVertical sliding-block, Hydro-spring
Elevation/traverse-10° to +15°, 60°
Rate of fire25 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity884 m/s (2,900 ft/s)
Range 6.9 km (4.29 mi)
Shell 37×223 mm. R 37 mm (1.45 inch)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, Telescopic M6 sight

us guns57mm Gun M1

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1942, 15,600+*

The idea of manufacturing the British Ordnance Quick-Firing 6-pounder 7 cwt (designed in 1940 to replace the 2-pdr QF AT gun) in the US, was expressed by Ordnance in February 1941. At the time, the 37mm Gun M3 was still favored and lend lease was envisioned. In the US, the gun was started in production in 1941 () as "substitute standard, 57 mm Gun M1" as a copy of the 6-pounder Mark 2 of which two were received from the UK in 1941. It had a longer barrel from the start. Combined allied production started in 1941 (201), 1942 (17,854), 1943 (16,586) and 1944 (1,964) and terminated for the QF-17 Pdr, the 1944 and 1945 ones going largely into lend-lease. The US variant was unmodified, but the M1A1 US combat tyres and wheels, and its own production started early in 1942 and went on until 1945 for a grand total of 15,637.

The M1A2 had free traverse, allowing the crew pushing and pulling on the breech and production started from September 1942. It became standard issue in the Spring of 1943 with a modified towing point design intoduced on the M1A3, which became the proper US variant, the earlier being sent in lend-lease. Later appeared the M2 in 1944 which had a caster wheel added to the right trail as well as relocated trail handles and new utility box while the 1945 M2A1 had improved elevation gear.
M1 57 mm
Author's rendition of the 57mm M1
M1 57 mm
57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T48 in Normandy June 1944
M1 57 mm
57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T48
57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T49
57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T44

Tractors were the Dodge WC-63 1½-Ton 6×6 and M2 Half-Track, but self-propelled guns also used it: The 57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T48 (lend-lease Soviet SU-57) as well as the prototype Light Tank T7E2 (1 teste), T18E2 Boarhound armored car (30 built), 57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T49 (1 tested) and 57 mm Gun Motor Carriage T44, based on Ford 4×4 ¾ ton cargo carrier chassis (same). 3/4 of the American production went to the Divisions in Europe and the remainder in lend-lease too the UK, the Soviet Union, and later Free French forces (June 1944). They only were provided AP shot and HE only in the later summer of 1944, with UK stocks as interim. It was declared obsolete in 1954, being unable to pierce the frontal armor of the T-54.

⚙ Specifications M1 AT Gun

Barrel9 ft 3 in (2.82 m)/50, cal. 2.244 in (57 mm)
Dimensions5 ft 11 in (1.8 m) x 4 ft 2 in (1.28 m)
Mass2,679 lb (1,215 kg)
Crew6: Cdr, 2 gunners, 3 loaders
Load/recoilVertical sliding-block, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-5° to +15°, 90°
Rate of fire15 rpm
Muzzle velocityAP Shot M70 (2.85 kg): 853 m/s (2,800 ft/s)
Range Effective/Max1,650 yd (1,510 m)/5,000 yd (4,600 m)
ShellFixed QF 57×441 mmR
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, No.22c

swedish guns37mm Bofors AT gun

➾ Swedish Antitank gun produced from 1935, c300 built

If the 40 mm Bofors is an absolutely legendary gun, used from the 1930s to this day, found in planes, tanks, and ships all around the world, it is less obvious that the company also produced a remarkable 37 mm antitank gun. It originated in a 1921 prototype for trials, using Krupp designs, and it was also tested in 37mm, 47mm, 75mm until the project was shelved. In 1931 however the Royal Swedish Arms Commission issued a directive for a 37mm anti-tank gun (the standard caliber at the time) specifying a 700g shell fired at at 800 m/s in muzzle velocity. Bofors calculated a 800 kg ensemble, which was later rejected by Swedish Arms Chief of Ordnance Harald Jentzen. Instead he proposed a new perforated muzzle brake, which gave birth to a new prototype in 1932, with many other modifications, now down to 370 kg. It must be precised that the gun was basically horse or vehicle drawn but needed to be moved around by its gun crew. When completed it was compared to the QF 2 Pounder AT gun.
40mm Bofors
Author's rendition of the 37mm Bofors AT gun Given the largely successful reputation of Bofors at the time, it sold well: To the Netherlands (12 in 1935), some used on the M39 Pantzerwagen, and the license was acquired with more delivered to Poland, Finland, Britain, and Denmark. In Sweden it was adopted on the Landsverk L180s and L181. Some were also adopted on Panzer Is, T-26s and CV.33s during the Spanish Civil war. The tank gun version was adopted as the wz.37 by the Polish, placed on the 7TP JW, 9TP and 10TP prototypes. But it was most successful in he Finnish army, adopted as standard in 1938, with 98 in provision when USSR invaded, 124 delivered later. They claimed dozens of T-26s and BTs. Denmark had the 37mm Fodfolkskanon m1937 and in April 1940 a single one disabled 3 panzers before the crew was incapacitated. The captured ones ended in the Romanian army. Sweden also used the gun on its tanks, a the 37 mm Kanon m/38 Stridsvagn, for the L-60S\III, S\V light tanks and Stridsvagn m/41. As for perfs, vs. 60° plate it could defeat 40 mm at 300m, 33mm at 500m, 18mm at 1,000m were noted by the Finns. It was also used in 1941-42 in the desert, mounted as portee on the 30 cwt Chevrolet WB.

⚙ Specifications 37mm Bofors AT Gun

DimensionsBarrel 45 Cal. 1 736 mm, height 1 030 mm, width 1 090 mm
Mass370 kg
Crew3-4: Cdr, pointer, loader(s)
Load/recoilRotating breech block, unknown
Elevation/traverse– 10°/+ 25° and 26°
Rate of firemax 30 r.p.m., 12 practical
Muzzle velocity830 m/s
Range4.5 km
Carriage/sights2 leggeded, wheeled, shielded

Germany ww24.7 cm Pak 38(t)

➾ Antitank gun produced in Czechoslovakia 1938-40 c1,500

The 4.7 cm KPÚV vz. 38 is the original name of this ordnance standard antitank gun of the Czech Army, when the country was taken over hy Hitler's army. Originally the "kanón proti útočné vozbě vzor 38" it was produced by the Škoda Works and some were sold to Yugoslavia. Stocks were appropriated by the Germans after the occupation in 1939, pressed into service as the 4.7 cm PaK (t) or PaK 38(t). Production went on for some time under German supervision. It was notably mounted the Panzerjäger I tank destroyer and a few were also mounted on converted Renault R-35 tanks. The barrel could swing 180°, laying flat over the trails for transport, while the latter could be also folded inward to reduce volume, making it very handy to carry on an average truck. It had a small gun shield, wooden-spoked wheels but its performances were way superior to to the standard German 37mm PAK 36. It was versatile too, using AP rounds against tanks and HE rounds againt infantry. It could notably defeat 87 mm (3.4 in) of armour in ambush, at 100 m (110 yd) down to 39 mm (1.5 in) at 1,500 m (1,600 yd). For that reason they were still in used during Operation Barbarossa and probably until 1944. The remainder were passed to the Romanian Army. Those captured after the invasion of Yugolavia were also probably passed on to the Croats.
4.7 cm Pak 38(t)
Author's rendition of the 47cm PAK 38(t)

⚙ Specifications 4.7 cm Pak 38(t)

Dimensions2.04 m (6 ft 8 in) L/43, 47 mm (1.85 in)
Mass 590 kg (1,300 lbs)
Elevation/traverse-8° to +26°, traverse 50°
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity775 m/s (2,542 ft/s)
Range4,000 m (4,375 yds)
ShellFixed QF 47×405 mm R 1.6 kg (3 lb 8 oz)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, simple scope

Germany WW24,2 cm Pak 41

➾ Antitank gun produced from Dec.1941, 313

The 4.2 cm Pak 41 (Panzerabwehrkanone 41) was a light anti-tank gun destined to the Fallschirmjager (German airborne units) in World War II, externally similar to the 3.7 cm Pak 36, but with a modified carriage, and using the squeeze bore principle ("Gerlich" after Hermann Gerlich which invented it in 1920s) to boost velocity, and so the bore was ported to 42 mm (1.7 in) at the chamber, tapered down to only 28 mm (1.1 in) at the muzzle. The the projectile was smaller than the 37mm but had greater velocity at 1500 m/sec.. It was most efficient with the Armor-piercing composite non–rigid (APCNR–T) Pzgr 41 weighting 336 g (11.9 oz) caliber 42/28 mm (1.65/1.10 in). At 1000m they were still able to penetrate 55-60 mm, up to 83-105 mm at 250m. Production was terminated in June 1942, 313 guns being delivered. They were quickly spent. By November 1943, only 47 remained in service.

Author's rendition of the 4,2 cm Pak 41

⚙ Specifications Pak 41 AT Gun

Dimensions 235 cm (93 in), barrel 225 cm (89 in) bore, 55.8 cal.
Mass 560 kg (1,230 lb)
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-block breech
Elevation/traverse-8° to +25°, 60°
Rate of fire12 round per minute
Muzzle velocity1,500 m/s (4,900 ft/s)
Range800 m (2,600 ft) to 7,000 m (23,000 ft)
ShellFixed QF 42×406mm R
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, Zeiss optic

german AT guns7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1940, 23,303
The 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 40 or "PAK 40" for short, was the main antitank gun of the Wehrmacht after the western campaign. It arrived just in time for the eastern front and remained widespread in all units until 1945, with some 23,000 built, also largely distributed among axis partners like Finland, Romania, Huganry and Bulgaria. In 1940 it was recoignised the 3.7 cm "door-knocker" was inadequate against the heavy armour of many French tanks of the british Matilda. It appeared obvious that its designated replacement, the 5 cm Pak 38 still testing, would not even be sufficient, so already during early development it was asked to Krupp and Rheinmetall to develop in emergency a 7.5 cm variant of the same. Notably instead of extensive use of light alloys, it reverted to steel and dispensed of many costly and sophisticated systems for a more rugged design. Still, each unit cost was 12,000 RM.

As a result, the new antitank gun received a new emergency after the invasion of the USSR in 1941 and reports of encounters with the T-34 and KV-1. It received the utmost priority, and by November 1941 the first preserie guns were sent to the eastern front, then by April 1942, the first batches of serial guns arrived (44) with the production rapidly ramping up until mid-1943 when the Pak 40 formed the bulk of German anti-tank artillery. It was recoignised as efficient, with a fast rate of fire, optional high elevation for indirect fire, and best results obtained by the Panzergranate 40 (PzGr. 40) APCR projectile (sub-calibre tungsten core): 4.05 kg (8 lb 15 oz) for 990 m/s in muzzle velocity, the ability to defeat 143 mm of armour at 100m, 120 mm at 500, 97 mm at 1000m and 77 mm at 1500. At 500m the PzGr. 40 could defeat 154 mm armour plating at 90°, so frontally a KV-1 heavy tank.

7.5cm PAK-40
Author's rendition of the 7.5cm PAK-40

⚙ Specifications 75mm Pak-40 AT Gun

Dimensions6.2(20 ft 4) in x 2.08 x 1.2 m, barrel 46 cal. 3.45 m (11 ft 4 in)
Mass1,425 kg (3,142 lb)
Crew6 (Cdr, 2 pointers, 4 loaders)
Load/recoilSemi-automatic horizontal sliding-block, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−5° to +22°; 65°
Rate of fire14 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocitySee notes
Range1,800 m (1,969 yd) to 7,678 m (8,397 yd) (HE)
ShellFixed QF 75×714mm R
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, Zeiss optics

german guns88mm FLAK

➾ Antitank gun produced 1936-1945, 21,310
Certainly seen as the ultimate "wunderwaffe", the "88" was as famous as the French "75" in WW1, for the second world war. Certainly the iconic piece of ordnance for ages, this gun had a long history prior to its use as anti-aircraft variant. Previous variants were in use as light dual purpose gun in the Kaiserliches Marine since the start of the century. The 88 mm/28 developed by Krupp became the staple of light artillery on all ships from battleships to destroyers. Far forwards and in the interwar a new generation of such guns were developed by Krupp, wich design started in 1928.

It's in 1933 that started the production of a new generation FLAK gun, successively declined in longer barrels though its iterations Flak 18/36/37/41. When WW2 started the Wehmacht integrated AA bataillons equipped with the improved 8.8 cm Flak 36 in towed from hy half tracks, and later the 8.8 cm Flak 37. This "Flugabwehrkanone" had a versatile 4-wheeled carriage which allowed this piece to be used in limited anti-tank mode if needed, and revealed itself lethal in this role. This started in the campaign of may-June 1940 with its success during the British attack at Amiens, and given its potential it was not ony soon placed on all osrts of self-propelled carriages, with tan hunters developed around it like the "Nashorn" but after some development time, a heavy tank was built around, the famous Tiger I. Rheinmetall later created the 8.8 cm Flak 41, and Krupp and even longer barrel 8.8 cm gun, further developed as an anti-tank and tank destroyer as the PaK 43 gun (Elefant and Jagdpanther, Tiger II).

Author's rendition of the xxx

⚙ Specifications 8,8cm FLAK 36 Gun

Dimensions5.791 m (20 ft) (barrel 4.938 m), width 2.3 m, height 2.10 m
Mass7,407 kg (16,330 lb) in mounted position
Load/recoilHorizontal semi-automatic sliding bloc, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−3° to +85° 360°
Rate of fire15–20 rpm
Muzzle velocity840 m/s (2,690 ft/s)
Range14,860 m (16,250 yd) ground target
ShellFixed QF 88×571mmR, 88 mm (3.46 in)
Carriage/sightsSonderanhänger 202, ZF.20 sight

german guns7.5 cm PAK 97/38

➾ 1942 Antitank gun, 3712 converted

The 7.5 cm Panzerabwehrkanone 97/38 and 7,5 cm Panzerjägerkanone 97/38 were German anti-tank guns combining captured French Canon de 75 modèle 1897, Swiss Solothurn muzzle brake and 5 cm Pak 38 carriage. It reused thousands of these WWI vintage guns and could fire French and Polish ammunition. It was moderately appreciated, with pros and cons. On pros, its light weight, good mobility, sufficient anti-armor performance with HEAT shell, defeating a T-34s in most situations and KV series sides, so decent anti-tank performances. On cons, its obvious low muzzle velocity. It was a 1897 field gun after all, brillant at its time for its high rate of fire, but never intended to deal with armour. This balanced by the HEAT ammunition, but it was really unable to cause much damage with a AP shell, especially on a small mobile target. Another on was its low effective range (500 m even with HEAT !). And there was its violent recoil, always a hazard.

Author's rendition of the 7.5 cm PAK 97/38 On the pros still, there was its low price compared to other German ordnance of the time: 9,000 reichsmarks, compared to 12,000 for the Pak 40. 2,854 were delivered in 1942, 858 in 1943, 160 were mounted on the 7.5 cm Pak 40 carriage (Pak 97/40) built in 1943, until production was stopped. Not only because of better Russian antitank guns captured in sufficient numbers and domestic production reaching a peak. For shells, 37,800 HEAT were made in 1942 and 371,600 in 1943. The Pak 97/38 entered service by the summer of 1942 and remained so until 1945, by March it is estimated 145 Pak 97/38 and FK 231(f) were still available, albeit 14 frontline only.

Ten were experimentally on captured T-26 light tank chassis, the 7.5 cm Pak 97/38(f) auf Pz.740(r), used with the 3rd Company, 563rd Anti-Tank Battalion until March 1944. It was also largely distributed to the other axis members: The Finnish Army during the Continuation War had a stock of 75 mm field guns in 1940, and they were later rebuillt to the Pak 97/38 standards. 46 converted in March–June 1943, 7 lost, the others retired only in 1986. They managed to manufacture their own shells as well. A few were also given to the Romanian 3rd and 4th Armies by October 1942. It was also fiven to 9 divisions of the Italian 8th Army (each had a battery of six assigned to artillery regiments in 1942), where it was locally designated Cannone da 75/39. November 1942 saw it in the hands of the Hungarian 2nd Army fielded also.

⚙ Specifications 7.5 cm PAK 97/38 AT Gun

Dimensions4.65 x 1.85 x 1.05m (15 ft 3 in x 6 ft 1 in x 3 ft 5 in) L/34.5
Mass cbt 1,190 kg (2,623 lbs); trv 1,270 kg (2,800 lbs)
Crew4-5: Gunner, Cdr, 2-3 loaders
Breech/recoilNordenfelt interrupted screw, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-10° to 18°; 60°
Rate of fire10-14 rpm
Muzzle velocity570 m/s (1,900 ft/s)
RangeHEAT 1.5 km (0.93 mi), HE frag 10 km (Sprgr.236/1(f))
Shell75 mm (2.95 in) 75×350 mm R HEAT, AP, HE, Shrapnel
Carriage/sightsSplit trail

german gunsPAK-36

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1935, c20,000 built

The Pak 36 (Panzerabwehrkanone 36) was a 37mm caliber German anti-tank gun standard at the start of the Second World War. It was found virtually in all Wehrmacht Panzerjäger units, until 1942. Developed by Rheinmetall from 1933 to 1935, production made the first entering service by 1936. No less than 9,120 were available by September 1939, 5,339 more made during the war and 6,000 produced for export. At the time secret tank and weapons tests were ongoing in 1936-37 in the Kuban, the Soviets copied it as their own 45 mm anti-tank gun M1932 (19-K) but Japan also made a close copy. Not only it saw action (in Italian use) during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War but also the Spanish Civil War in the hands of Franco's troops, and the japanese at the Second Sino-Japanese War. It was of course deployed massively and used continurously until gradual replacement in 1942. It was indeed already found in the summer of 1940 unable to defeat the British Mk II Matilda, French Char B1 and Somua S35 as well as the T-34 and KV-1 on year later, being dubbed by the Germans themselves the "door knocker". But many still found use from 1942-45 with the Sielgranate 41, a shape charge projectile. It was light, easy to move, hide, and tow by any vehicles, including the small Sd.Kfz.2 moto-track. Derivatives found place on the Panzer III, which was its prime weapon in the summer of 1940. Many ended on various vehicles as tank hunters as well.
A PAK 36 fitted with a StielGranat 41, only introduced by 1943, first seen in Fallschirmjäger units. Due to the livery of the gun, it could have been used in Tunisia, but there are more chances of a non-accurate reconstitution… The Stiergränat was equipped with two fuses, and could deliver 2.42kgs of TNT through a hollow charge, a crushing blow against any armor, up to 180mm, at the expense of the range, 300m at best.

Author's rendition of the PAK-36
Author's rendition of the PAK-36/Stielgranate 41 in winter 1944-45

⚙ Specifications PAK 36 AT Gun

Dimensions1.66 m (5 ft 5 in) x 1.65 m (5 ft 5 in) x 1.17 m (3 ft 10 in)
MassTravel 450 kg (990 lb), combat 327 kg (721 lb)
Crew5 (Commander, gunner, loader, two ammunition bearers)
Elevation/traverse-5° to +25°, 30° right and left
Rate of fire13 rpm
Muzzle velocity762 m/s (2,500 ft/s)
Range5,484 m (5,997 yds)
Shell37×249mmR 37 mm (1.45 in)

german gunsPAK-43

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1943, c2,100 built

The Pak 43 (Panzerabwehrkanone 43 and Panzerjägerkanone 43 was a towed specialized 8.8 cm anti-tank gun by Krupp, chosen over Rheinmetall with an adaptation of its Flak 41 AA gun. The Pak 43 became the powerful anti-tank gun of the Wehrmacht. The improved 8.8 cm had a new semi-automatic vertical breech reducing recoil. Very flat trajectory, long range, few corrections in elevation and exceptional penetration (any Allied tank including Soviet IS-2, and USU-122/152). Top firing range was beyond 15 km (9.3 mi). They use a new PzGr.39/43 APCBC-HE for them, derived from the 10.2 kg (22 lb) PzGr.39-1 APCBC-HE used by the 8.8 cm KwK 36. Older PzGr.39-1 were also used. Barrel life was no more than more than 500 rounds due to narrow driving bands.

Author's rendition of the PAK-43

The new PzGr.39/43 could be fired until the barrel was worn out, without restriction. The PzGr.39-1 FES weighted 10.2 kg (9.87 kg without fuse & bursting charge) and the PzGr.39/43 FES weighted 10.4 kg (10.06 kg without fuse & bursting charge). The 278-gram BdZ 5127 fuse, 59-gram Amatol bursting charge caracterized the PzGr.39-1 and PzGr.39/43 rounds. As for tank use, it was modified to be sported as the KwK 43 on the Tiger II tank, but also the Nashorn, Elefant and Jagdpanther. The Pzgr. 39/43 APCBC-HE could defeat 202 mm or armour at 100m (RHA at 30°). At 2,000 m it was still 132 mm. Accuracy was still 13% chances of a hit at 4,000m (versus 42% in training).

⚙ Specifications 8.8 cm PAK 43 AT Gun

Dimensions628 cm (20 ft 7 in)/71 calibres (3.46 in)
Mass3,650 kg (8,050 lb) Pak 43
BreechSemi-automatic vertical sliding-block
Elevation/traverse-8° to +40° Pak 43/-5° to +38° Pak 43/41, 360°
Rate of fire6–10 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity1,030 m/s (3,400 ft/s) Pzgr 40/43
CarriageCruciform mount Pak 43, split trail Pak 43/41
Shell88 × 822mm R 7.3 kg (16 lb) APCR Pzgr 40/43
Range15,150 m (49,705 ft) Pak 43

italian gunsCannone da 47/32 elefantino

➾ Antitank gun produced from 1935, 3000

The Cannone da 47/32 modello 1935 was an Italian general purpose, but mostly used for anti-tank, that saw service during WW2, originally designed by Böhler in Austria, produced in Italy under license. The Cannone da 47/32 was used equally as infantry gun and an anti-tank gun, using a universal, composite and foldable split trail with a tripod arrangement, and dismountable wheels (all metal or wooden, but rubber padded or with tyres). This gun was effective against light to medium armored tanks and it showed during the North African Campaign. c3000 were built until 1943 making it one of the most produced ordnances of the Regia Esercito. It was also declined into the 47/32 Mod. 39 and 47/40 Mod. 38.
Author's rendition of the cannone da 47/32
This gun was appreciated as lightweight, compact, versatile and reliable, and yet average performances, improved with the AP L/40 AFV which had a muzzle velocity from 250 m/s (820 ft/s) HEAT up to 820 metres per second (2,700 ft/s) for the AP L/40 AFV, at max 7 km. Tailored versions ended in the AB 41 self propelled armoured car and on a L3 tankette chassis as experiment. it was adapted for use on the M15/42 medium tank as well.

⚙ Specifications Cannone da 47/32

DimensionsBore: 1.525 m (5 ft 0 in) L/32, 1.680 m (6 ft)oa
Mass Travel: 315 kg (694 lb), Combat: 277 kg (611 lb)
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-wedge Breech
Elevation/traverse-15° to +56° and 62°
Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity630 metres per second (2,100 ft/s) AP
Range7,000 m (7,700 yd)
Shell47 x 195 mm R L/32, 47 x 328 mm R L/40, 1.5 kg (3 lb 5 oz) AP
Carriage/sightsSplit-trail, 10,000m scope sight

french gunsHotchkiss 25mm SA34

➾ Antitank gun produced 1934-1940, 6,000

In 1917, Squadron Cdr. Filloux designed a light, high-velocity anti-tank 13 mm anti-tank rifle, and a 17 mm mountable on the SA 16 carriage gun with prototypes made in 1918, furing a 17×209 mm cartridge at 1000 m/s. Studies stopped after V-Day, but were not forgotten. This light, compact high-velocity anti-tank gun will indeed resurface in the 1920s with several projects, a Hotchkiss dual 13.2 mm HMG which became pure AA, or the APX (Puteaux state factory) 20mm, judged too light. In 1928 came a request for a 175 kgs 25mm semi-automatic gun, and the new 25mm/72 fired an AP shell at 950 m/s...

Author's renditions of the Hotchkiss SA34
The 25mm could defeat armour, up to 30 mm at 800 m against tanks of the time, while armored cars could be engaged at 1,250 m. The crew of the SA 34 comprised a commander, gunner, loader and three additional servants. Derivatives such as the 25 mm SA 35 found thei way into the AMD 35/Panhard 178 reconnaissance armored car, AMR 35 reconnaissance light tank, and half the AMC 34. Some were used in portee by the Laffly S20 TL. It was also used by British, Polish and Finnish Forces (as the 25 pstk/34/37), previous 400 captured by the Germans, which renamed them Pak 112(f) for the SA 34 and Pak 113(f) for the SA-L 37.

⚙ Specifications 25mm AT Gun

Dimensions3.71/3.46 (SA-L 34/37) x 1.10/1.03 m x 1.05 m (SA 34)
Mass 490 kg (SA 34), 300 kg (SA-L 37)
Elevation/traverse60°; -5° to +15°
Rate of fire8 – 20 rpm, up to 25 rpm with a well-trained crew
Range800 meters - 3,500 meters
Shell25 x 193.5 mm, L/72 (SA-34), L/77 (SA-37)

Puteaux 47mm SA37

➾ gun produced from 1936, 1,268

The 47 mm APX anti-tank gun was probably the most recent and best ordnance of the French Army when WW2 started. In the 1930s the French Army needed to replace the venerable and iconic 75 mm mle 1897 field gun, for which some rounds were developed for it to be used as anti-tank guns. What the French Army needed was a small, high-velocity, smaller caliber but higher velocity anti-tank gun. The design chosen came from the state-owned arsenal "Atelier de Construction de Puteaux" (APX) near Paris. The new ordnance wasaccepted in 1937 after many field tests and modifications as the "canon de 47 mm semi-automatique mle 1937". The "semi-automatique mle 1939" was also produced for blockhause and tank uses and both proved efficient weapons against any German tanks in 1940, as they could defeat 60 mm (2.4 in) at 550 meters (600 yd), 80 mm (3.1 in) at 180 meters (200 yd). However production discrepancies before the war meant only too few were available during the Battle of France.
Puteaux 47mm
Author's rendition of the Puteaux 47mm SA37

The prototype 47mm SA mle 1939 TAZ was mounted on tripod for 360°. The SA 35 mle 1935 was a compact variant mounted on tanks (Somua S35, Char B1 using 47×193 mm R cartridges). Given the numbers captured, the axis was soon a new user of the 47 mm: Germany used it was the 4.7 cm Pak 181(f) and 4.7 cm Pak 183(f) but for supply reasons they ended in Atlantic Wall fortifications or a few Panzerjägers such as:w
-4.7 cm Pak 181(f) oder 183(f) auf PzJäg Lorraine Schlepper (f) (Lorraine 37L)
-4.7 cm Pak(f) auf Panzerspähwagen P204(f) (Panhard 178)
-4.7 cm Pak(f) auf PzKpfW I (Panzer I chassis)
-4.7 cm Pak(f) auf PzKpfW Mk.II 748(e) (Matilda II chassis)
-4.7 cm Pak 181(f) oder 183(f) auf PzKpfW 35R(f) (Renault R35 chassis).

⚙ Specifications 47mm SA37 AT Gun

Dimensions4.1oa/2.49 barrel x 1.6 x 1.1 (13 ft 5 in, 8 ft 2 in, 5 ft 3 in, 3 ft 7 in)
Mass 1,070 kg (2,359 lbs)
Crew6: Cdr, Gunner, 4 loaders/assistants
Elevation/traverse-13° to +16.5° - Traverse 68°
Rate of fire15 to 20 rounds/min
Muzzle velocity855 m/s (2,805 ft/s)
Range2,000 m (2,187 yds)
ShellFixed QF 1.73 kg (3.74 lbs) 47x380 mm R APCBC
Carriage/sightsSplit-trail, standard scope

Bohler 4,7cm AT

➾ gun produced from 1932, 650

Austria designed, developed and produced the 47mm gun as the "4.7cm M32", reborn in 1932 as Infantry close support weapon. It was a super-lightweight anti-tank gun with a highly modular and dismountable two-wheeled cart. This made it a perfect infantry antitank gun as all elements but the barrel main block could be carried by indiovidual infantry. The basic mount have -15 to +56 elevation with 62-degree traverse. It had a range of 7,000 meters (). It was tailored to fire an armor-piercing (AP) or high-explosive (HE) round for various use. It was successful and widely purchased, notably by the Netherlands. But by far its largest customer became Italy whoch acquired a production licence, turned into thousands of Cannone da 47/32. It was modified as tank gun also in the M13/40 medium tank, AB41 armored car, Semovente 47/32.
Bohler 4,7cm AT
Author's rendition of the Bohler 4,7cm AT The 47mm Bohler was also used by China, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Romania and Switzerland. The Soviet Union seized those from Latvia and the Germans after the Anchluss, of after seizing Holland. In their inventory, it became the "4.7cm PaK 187(h)" or "4.7cm PaK 196(r)" depending on the captured location. Many more Ansaldo were seized after September 1943 as "4.7 cm PaK 177 (i)", many used by Croatia in 1944-45.

⚙ Specifications Bohler 4.7 cm (1.9 in) AT Gun

DimensionsBore: 1.525 m (5 ft) L/32, 1.680 m (6 ft) oa
Mass315 kg (694 lb) travel, 277 kg (611 lb) combat
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-wedge
Elevation/traverse-15° to +56°, 62°
Rate of firec3/min.
Muzzle velocity630 metres per second (2,100 ft/s) AP
Range7,000 m (7,700 yd)
Shell47x195 mm R L/32 or 47x328 mm R L/40 1.5 kg (3 lb 5 oz) AP

ZIS-2 57 mm antitank gunZIS-2 57 mm antitank gun

➾ Produced from 1941 to 1945, c10,000.

Left only with 37 mm and 45 mm guns at the start of WW2, the Soviet Army was relatively well prepared to fight the Finns (which had very few tanks) or the Japanese at Nomonanh (which were weakly protected) but during Operation barbarossa against Panzer III-IVs it was another story. Projected and designed in 1940, entering service and production in 1941, the ZIS-2 was the new standard antitank gun of the Soviet army thus summer of 1941, but very few were available. The ZiS-2 started production by 1 June 1941, and by 1 December 1941 marshals N. N. Voronov and G. L. Govorov stopped prduction, arguing that its shells penetrated straight through German tanks armour, causing no damage due to the small caliber. Thhey preferred the new ZIS-3 divisional gun. Costs and shell production was another reason. Just 371 were provided to the troops.
ZIS-2 57 mm antitank gun
Author's rendition of the ZIS-2

However by 1943, the Germans had new up-armoured panzers, notably the Tiger and Panther, so the ZIS-3 was no longer sufficient, and production of the ZIS-2 -with its excellent range and muzzle velocity- was relaunched, to reach 9,650 by May 1945. The ZIS-2 still had a weak explosive power but it could penetrate any armour at sufficient distances. Under the new name 57 mm anti-tank gun model 1943 it was given to all anti-tank artillery platoons of infantry units and anti-tank artillery units of the High Command reserve. It was also mounted on the T-34/76 (becoming the T-34/57 "exterminator"), the Komsomolets armoured tractor chassis (ZiS-30) and on the SU-76 chassis to turn it as a tank hunter (SU-74, SU-76D, and SU-57B, prototypes only) and postwar on the ASU-57 paradropped self propelled gun.

⚙ Specifications ZIS-2 AT Gun

Dimensions7.03 m (23 ft 1 in)oa x 3.95 m (13 ft 0 in) x 1.37 m (4 ft 6 in)
Mass1,250 kg (2,756 lb)
Load/recoilSemi-automatic vertical sliding-wedge, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-5° to 25°; 56°
Rate of fire25 rpm cyclic, 10 rpm practical
Muzzle velocity1,000 m/s (3,300 ft/s)
Range8.4 km (5.21 miles) indirect fire
ShellFixed QF 57×480 mmR AP 2.24 in
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, optical 3,000m

76mm Div. Gun M193976mm Divisional Gun M1939 (USV)

➾ Produced from 1939 to 1942, 9,812.

The 76-mm divisional gun M1939 (F-22 USV or USV) was a 76.2 mm (3.1 inches) cannon of the Soviet Union, adopted in 1939 and a staple of Soviet artillery in World War II. It was called "divisional" due to its assignment to batteries under the direct control of division headquarters. It was designed from 1937 to rpelace the obslolet 76-mm divisional gun M1902/30 and 76 mm divisional gun model 1936 (F-22), with an elevation of 45° for no more than 1,500 kg, same ballistics as the M1902/30 plus identical ammunition. It was developed by Kirovskiy Plant bureau (I. A. Makhanov) No. 92 Plant bureau (V. G. Grabin) and AKB-43 (M. N. Kondakov). 140 were ready by 30 December 1939, 1,010 by December 1940 but production for 1941 was stopped, then reopened after Op. Barbarossa at No. 92 Barrikady factory, Stalingrad for 2,616 more in 1941, 6,046 in 1942 before gradually replaced by the ZiS-3 at the end of 1942.
76mm Div. Gun M1939
Author's rendition of the M1939 Div. Gun

For what we are interested in, the USV came with an AP shells to deal with armour in direct fire. The APHE-T BR-350A/B was capable of 662 or 655 m/s and 4000 range, whereas the Subcaliber (from April 1943) BR-354P was the fastest at 950m/s but only at 500 m range and it was twice as lighter than the APHE. There was also a heavy, but slow HEAT, in steely iron (from May 1943), again for short range. Penetration for the BR-350A was between 80 and 50 mm flat from 100 to 1500m and from 65 to 45 at these value against a 60° angled plate. The subcaliber however could defeat up to 120 mm flat or 95mm at 60° at 100m, so basically the Panther. In german service it became the 7.62 cm PaK 39(r) and was apparently not deployed on vehicles: The SU-76 adopted its replacement the ZIS-3 in the Sh variant.

⚙ Specifications 76mm Div. Gun M1939

Dimensions5.95 m (19 ft 6 in) x 1.94 m (6 ft 4 in) x 1.7 m (5 ft 7 in)
MassCt 1,470 kg (3,240 lb), Tv 2,500 kg (5,500 lb)
Load/recoilSemi-automatic vertical sliding-wedge, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-6° to 45°, 60°
Rate of fire15 rpm practical
Muzzle velocity1,000 m/s (3,300 ft/s)
Range13.29 km (8.26 mi) max
Shell76.2 × 385 mm. R
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, optical 3,000m

45 mm antitank gun M1937

➾ Produced 1937-43, 37,354 made

The 45 mm anti-tank gun model 1937 (53-K, GRAU 52-P-243-PP-1) was also nicknamed "Sorokapyatka" ("little forty-five"). This was a popular light quick-firing anti-tank gun, majoritary deployed by frontline infantry batallions as their organic anti tank echelon. It was created by designer M.N. Loginov at Plant No. 8, Kalinin Machine-Building Plant, replacing V. von Behring, victim of Stalin's purges. However the M37 had limited armor penetration and from 1942 it was replaced by the M-42, with a grand total production from 1937 to 1943 of no less than 37,354 units. If it looked like the German PAK-37, that not fortuitous, as it derived from the 19-K, mounted on a 37 mm 1-K anti-tank gun chassis, which was a licensed copy of the 3.7 cm Pak 36. For this new 45 mm guns, larger than the German 3.7 cm, new ammunitions were created, later used on the new M42 as well.

Author's rendition of the 45 mm antitank gun M1937

Accepted into service as the 45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 on 24 April 1938, and it saw first action in the Spanish Civil war, with the Republican side International Brigades and notably the British Anti-tank Battery, XV Brigade, found quite deadly during the Battle of Brunete. Richard Baxell noted it "was effective against even heavy tanks at distances of up to three kilometers". In the summer of 1941 it was capable of defeated anything, including the German Panzer III and Panzer IV frontally at close range. Two formed an anti-tank platoon, organic to each rifle battalion plus twelve in anti-tank battalions of each rifle division and by separate anti-tank regiments (of 4-5 batteries, 4 guns each). They were towed by regular ZIS-6 or GAZ AAA trucks (its chassis shared the same roadwheels as well). They fired the B-240/BR-240 AP, UBR-240P APCR, UBR-243P SCAP (and early dart or APFDS), the UBR-243SP AP and UBZR-243 API (incendiary) but could be used against infantry with the UO-243 FRAG and UssH-243 shrapnel, as well as a small smoke shell. Best penetration was against 94 mm (3.7 in) or armour at 100 m (110 yd) with the APCR, but these shells were in short supply. Worst was 15 mm at 2,000 m (2,200 yd) with the APHE. Captured by the Germans it was integrated as the 4.5 cm Pak 184/1(r). Apart on improvized vehicles, such as the Izhorsk AC-1 Armoured Car and sometimes in portee, it was always towed.

⚙ Specifications

Dimensions6.4 m (21 ft) barrel 2.07 m (6 ft 9 in); 46 cal.
Mass560 kg (1,234 lbs), travel 1,200 kg (2,645 lbs)
Load/recoilSemi-automatic vertical sliding-wedge/Hydro-spring
Elevation/traverse-8° to 25°/60°
Rate of fire15-20 rpm
Muzzle velocity760 m/s (2,493 ft/s)
Range4.4 km (2.73 mi)
ShellFixed QF 45x310 mm. R 45 mm (1.77 in)

37 mm Type 94 IJA antitank gun

➾ Produced 1936-41, 3400 made

The Type 94 37 mm quick-firing gun (Kyūyon-shiki sanjyūnana-miri sokushahō) was developed by the Imperial Japanese Army from 1933, entering service in 1936 and made its combat debut in the Second Sino-Japanese War and stayed first line all along World War II. It was originally an improvement to the Type 11 37 mm infantry gun seen as an obsolete anti-tank weapon. It had a short bore, low muzzle velocity, short range, and slow reloading so replacement started in July 1933 and was completed in 1934. Initial testing showed up to 30 rounds per minute for a well trained crew but the Army found it too heavy and a trimmed down version was ready by 1935, for orders placed and production starting still under the same "Type 94" designation. 3,400 units were produced and it was further developed into the Type 1 37 mm anti-tank gun. .

Author's rendition of the 37 mm antitank gun M1942

Its AP rounds could prenetrate 1.7 inches (43 mm) of armor at 500 yards (460 meters). It could fire HE as well. In combat, it was distributed as four per infantry regiment, 11 personnel to manage them, plus a radio in contact to regimental headquarters by field telephone or messenger runners. Muzzle velocity was increased thanjs to new ammunitions. It was very effective against any Chinese AFVs, as well as against 1939 Soviet armour (T-26 and BT series), as well as against the Stuart fielded in 1942. When the M4 Sherman appeared from 1943 in the Pacific it was found inadequate, but stayed active until 1945 for lack of a better replacement as the Type 1 47 mm arrived only by mid-1942, and never available in large quantities. Derivatives of these guns were adpated to light tanks as well: The Type 97 Te-Ke, and more famously the Type 95 Ha-Go. The Type 97 Chi-Ha had the better 47 mm. A derivative Type 1 was used on the Type 2 Ka-Mi amphibian, and found its way into the confidential Type 98. But no tank hunter was developed around it.

⚙ Specifications 37 mm QF AT gun

Dimensions2.9 m (9 ft 6 in) long oa, 1.19 m (3 ft 11 in) wide
Mass324 kg (714 lb) approx
Load/recoilSliding horizontal breech
Elevation/traverse-10° to +25°, 60°
Rate of fire30 rpm
Muzzle velocity700 m/s (2,300 ft/s)
RangeEffective 2,870 m, max 4,500 m (4,900 yds)
ShellFixed QF 37×165 mm. R .69 kg (1 lb 8 oz)
Carriage/sightsStraight telescopic

Mauser TankGewehr 1918

➾ Produced 1918, 16,000 made

In September 1916, the British unveiled their new weapon to the world – The Tank – which, while slow and mechanically unreliable, sent shockwaves through the ranks of the German military. The first solution saw the Spitzgeschoss mit Kern, more commonly called the K Bullet, being issued in larger quantities. Originally, these steel core armored piercing bullets had been issued so that frontline units could tackle enemy pillboxes and armored bullet shields, but now they were turned against the British and French metal beasts that now stormed towards their trenches. There is also debate in regards to the use of reverse bullets. As the name states, the bullet was in the casing backwards. This allowed a little more propellant and the theory was the blunt end wouldn’t break apart against the tank’s armor but cause it to distort and send spalling into the compartment. They weren’t always effective, could damage the rifle and once the British started upgrading, the bullet became useless...
Mauser TankGewehr 1918Author's rendition of the Mauser TankGewehr 1918

Click on the image for the full article on tank encyclopedia. The rifle fired an armor-piercing steel-cored bullet weighing 51.5 g at 780 m/s. This 13.2mm Tank und Flieger round could penetrate 15mm of armored plate at 300 metres. Also, even if it failed to penetrate, the impact could create spalling and damage inside the tank. The Tankgewehr wasn’t a game changer on the battlefield but it did have an impact on a tactical level. There were several after action reports that credit the Tankgewehr with injuring or killing crew members and making the tank combat ineffective. It allowed the Germans to create Anti-Tank groups that could work together and thus help stall an enemy advance.

⚙ Mauser TankGewehr 1918 Specifications

Dimensions1,69m oa, barrel 96 cm, 13.2 mm
Mass18.5 kg
CrewOn rifleman, one loader
Load/recoilStandard rifle double action lever
Rate of fire10 rpm
Muzzle velocity780 m/s

AA - Dual Purpose guns

3,7 cm FLAK 18/36/37

➾ gun produced 1936-1945 20,400+

The 3.7 cm FLAK was one of the most prolific (if not the most) short range AA ordnance deployed by the Wehrmacht in WW2. The very first iteration in 1935 was called Flak 18, a 89 caliber, and already it was automatic and effective against aircraft up to 4,200 m. Soon Rheinmetall was asked to produce both a towed and self-propelled version. In 1936 appeared the FLAK 36 and later in 1940, the FLAK 37. All were designed for ground support roles as well, with exceptional performances: Armour penetration was 36 mm at 100 m distance on a 60° sloped armour with AP rounds or 24 mm at 800 m, but it really excelled in short range ambushes, with short bursts at 80 rpm.

Author's rendition of the 3,7 cm FLAK The 3.7 started to be replaced by German captured or derivatives of the Bofors 40 mm for the same role and from 1944, by 35 mm models produced in Switzerland. Romania adored the model and purchased the licence for local production, turning out 360 of them, but this gun also saw service with Bulgaria. Italy had its own excellent Breda 37mm also seeing action in ground combat. The list of vehicles fitted with this gun is impressive, one of the most elaborated being an up-armoured Opel Blitz with naval type shielded mount. Some (illustration) were just towed, by vehicles such as the Krupp Protze 6x4 lorry.

⚙ Specifications 3,7 cm FLAK AA Gun

Dimensionsbarrel 2.11 m (83 in) x 37 mm (1.5 in)
Mass1,550 kg (3,420 lb) or 1,250 kg Flak 43
Load/recoilgas-operated bolt, 6-round clips
Elevation/traverse-8° to +85°; 360°
Rate of fire160 rpm cyclic
Muzzle velocity840 m/s (2,800 ft/s) AP
Range7,995 m (8,743 yd) ground range
Shell37 × 263 mm B 623–659 g (1.373–1.453 lb)
Carriage/sightsthree-legged platform

40 mm Bofors Mark 2Bofors 40 mm Automatic Gun L/60

➾ gun produced from 1930, 1 million+

The Bofors 40 mm Automatic Gun L/60 is an anti-aircraft autocannon and probably one of the most famous piece of AA ordnance ever, still used today. In WW2 it was ubiquitous, on ships, vehicles and bases. It was designed in the 1930s at AB Bofors as an intermediate AA gun, between 13 mm heavy AA MGs and 3-in guns, slower firing. For its time it outperformed all competing before World War II, both in effectiveness and reliability.

First marketed from 1932 it was used by 18 countries in 1939. It became mainstream with the western Allies, even Axis powers (Nazi Germany and Hungary). In the cold war it was replaced by the 40 mm/70, fully Automatic selected as NATO-standard in November 1953. It last saw action in the Gulf War and Yugoslav Wars.
40 mm Bofors
Author's rendition of the Bofors 2-pdr on its standard towed wheeled carriage.

Vehicles wise, the Bofors ended on a large number of platforms, such athe single mount on various heavy trucks such as the GMC 354, and the twin mount version on the M24 Chaffee tank chassis giving the M19 Gun Motor Carriage. Postwar this was the M41 Walker Bulldog, used to produced the M42 Duster re-introduced in 1966 for the Vietnam War in ground fire support and stayed in the National Guard until 1988.

⚙ Specifications Bofors 2-pdr Gun

Dimensions2.25 m (7 ft 5 in) barrel and mount
Mass522 kg (1,151 lb)
Load/recoilAuto extraction, cam-operated recoil powered autoloader, Vertical sliding-wedge
Elevation/traverse−5°/+90° @55°/s, Full 360° @50°/s
Rate of fire140 rpm low elevation angles, 120 rpm high
Muzzle velocity850–880 m/s (2,800–2,900 ft/s)
Range7,160 m (23,490 ft)
Shell40 × 311 mm R 0.9 kg (2 lb 0 oz)
Carriage/sightsVarious (see notes), optical

2cm Flakvierling 38

➾ System produced from the Flak 38, c3,768 built
The Flugzeugabwehrkanone 30/38 was a 20 mm anti-aircraft gun developd for German forces and deployed in the air, ground and at sea in many formed during World War II. This primary German light anti-aircraft gun became the produced German ordance. On land, the main version was towed on a wheeled mount for organic AA defense, but with the right ammo and high rate of fire, easy to deploy, it was equally deadly against light armoured vehicles. The Flakvierling 38 combined four Flak 38 autocannons onto a single carriage, and it became the prime mobile point defence weapon in 1943, installed on tank chassis. In all, 3,768 Flakvierling mounts were produced during the war by Mauser Rheinmetall Ostmarkwerk, produced from late 1940 to May 1945. And more than 40,000 Flak 38, 8,000 Flak 30.

Author's rendition of the Flakvierling 38 The individual Flak 38 mount weighted 405 kg (893 lb) for 4.08 m (13 ft 5 in) long and a barrel length of 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in) L/65. It needed a crew of 5 to operate and fired up to ±90° on a 360° traverse at 450 rpm (cyclic) or 180 rpm practical up to 2,200 m (2,406 yds) against aircraft and at 5,783 m (5,230 yds) in ground range. Its Feed system worked with 20 round box magazine. It was mounted on a variety of vehicles, notably trucks, such as the Opel Blitz as well as the Sd.Kfz. 251/17 for the single Flak 38 and unarmored Sd.Kfz.7/1(both types) and Sd.Kfz.11 but also tanks, such as the FlakPanzer III and FlakPanzer IV Wirbelwind and Möbelwagen.

⚙ Specifications 20 mm FLAKvierling 38

Dimensions4,08 x 1,30 x 1,81 x 1,60 m
Mass3200 Ibs
Load/recoil20 rounds clips
Rate of fire800 rpm practical, 1400 cyclic
Muzzle velocity900 m/s
Shell20 x 138 mm (0.79 in)
Carriage/sightsOptical, fixed quad mount

37 mm automatic air defense gun37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K)

➾ AA gun produced 1939-45, 20,000 built

he 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K) was a Soviet 37 mm calibre anti-aircraft gun developed during the late 1930s and used during World War II. The land-based version was replaced in Soviet service by the AZP S-60 during the 1950s. Guns of this type were successfully used throughout the Eastern Front against dive bombers and other low- and medium-altitude targets. It also had some usefulness against lightly armoured ground targets.

Author's rendition of the 37mm M1939 61-K

For ground use, single-barrel were installed on four-wheeled ZU-7 carriages, towed to be ready for service. 900 units were ordered, operated by a crew of eight with 200 rounds carried in five-round clips. Armour penetration of AP rounds on a RHA plate at 60° was of 37 mm at 500 metres range and 28 mm at 90° at 1,500 metres. It was usually carried on the flatbed of a ZIS-6 2x4 truck. The only armoured vehicle featuring it was thz SZU-37

⚙ Specifications 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K)

Dimensions1.5 in Barrel length 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) L/67
Mass2,100 kg (4,600 lb)
Elevation/traverse−5° to 85°, 360°
Rate of fire160-170 rpm
Muzzle velocity880 m/s (2,900 ft/s)
Range4/5 km (13/16,000 ft) ceiling
Shell37 × 252 mmSR, 730 g (1.61 lb) Frag-T, 770 g (1.70 lb) AP-T
Carriage/sightsFour-wheeled with twin outriggers

25 mm Hotchkiss AA

➾ gun produced from 1936, c600

The mitrailleuse de 25 mm contre-aéroplanes modèle 1938, abbreviated as 25 CA, M38 and follow-up was a light anti-aircraft autocannon designed by Hotchkiss & Cie near Paris in 1936-37. It was used in World War II by Frand and some 33,000 were produced under licence by Japan, where it became the staple of its light AA, on land or ships. It was loosely derived from the 13.2 mm Hotchkiss heavy MG (also copied by Japan) and up-scaled with many modifications to make it work with larger 15-round magazines. It had however nothing to do with the semi-automatic 25 mm Hotchkiss anti-tank gun. Their cartridges were not compatible. Initially the 25 mm was developed in private venture in 1936 as the French army looked at replacing its 13.2 mm and older WWI AA designs. It was proposed to the French government that declined it as too slow. Then it was sold to Romania until the Government changed its mind when the alternative 37 mm Schneider was nowehere near ready for production. Still, perhaps 400 were delivered by June 1940 so it was a footnote in the campaign. Romania only obtained 72 out of 300 before the fall of France.

Author's rendition of the 25 CA 38

The 25 mm was declined into the Modèle 1938 with a tripode, replaced on the M1939 by a more stable carriage, and the M1940 which was a faster firing variant with fixed mounting for naval and static defense use using cartwheel sights as long as the M40J for "Jumelee" (twin mounted), also gound based. The M1938 were also used on three Spanish destroyers from 1936. The 25 mm was not designed to be mounted on vehicles, but rather towed to place. There were ad hoc experiments with trucks in portee though, but no production. The standard towed version consisted in semi-folding legs on a shoehorse shaped chassis with two roadwheels. It still could be fired in this configuration if needed. It could fire a AP shell at 875 m/s (2,870 ft/s) if needed, effective on ground targets and direct fire up to 3 km (9,800 ft). Penetration figures not known.

⚙ Specifications mitrailleuse de 25 mm CA M1938

Dimensions1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) L/60
Mass850 kg (1,870 lb)
Load/recoilGas operated, gravity feed 15 rds Mags.
Elevation/traverse10° to +85°, 360°
Rate of fireCyclic: 200–260 rpm, Effective: 110 rpm
Muzzle velocityHE: 900 m/s (2,953 ft/s)
Range6.8 km (4.2 mi) at 45° HE
ShellHE 0.29 kg or AP: 0.32 kg (11 oz)
CarriageTwo wheeled single axle with cruciform outriggers

2cm FLAK 38

➾ Produced 1934-45, 144,000 made

The most common light artillery piece of the German Army (Heer), Navy (Kriesgmarine) and Air Force (Luftwaffe), with 144,000 barrels made by Rheinmetall-Borsig, Mauser and Ostmarkwerk from 1934 to 1945, it was originally derived in Switzerland from the Solothurn ST-5 as a project for the Kriegsmarine, which produced the 20 mm C/30. The final C/30 was the early 65 caliber variant capable of 120 rpm, became the 2 cm Flak 30 and later appeared the 2 cm Flak 38 from Rheinmetall capable of 220 rpm and mass prodiced, accepted in 1939. In our antitank role, the 2cm Flak came out generally with a towed 2-wheeled carriage, and a shield, whih made it handy both to deal with ground objectives and aircraft. In the first role, its light profile and weight made it ideal to be moved around quickly in ambush.

Author's rendition of the 2cm FLAK 38

The 2cm Flak 38 could fire anti-tank rounds, namely the 159g Panzergranatpatrone L'spur mit Zerleger AP-T (with tracer) for 830 m/s, the 148g Panzergranatpatrone 39 AP round (780 m/s) without fuse, the Panzergranatpatrone 40 L'spur 100g APIHC-T, APICR-T or HVAPI-T which were probaly the best of the lot, with a Light metal shell and a special steel core for a muzzle velocity of 1050 m/s and using a Tungsten carbide core. It had a tracer burn-through after 0,9 - 1.5 second flight (600m range). It had a penetrating effect with incendiary effect due to melting of light metal tip. There was also the API-T (phosphore round), the AP-T and APHE-T filled with 3,6 g HE (PETN) (900 m/s). This gun was installed on improvized SPAAG with the chassis removed, generally on half-track flatbeds but also on the first SPAAG, the Flakpanzer I based of the Panzer I ausf B in 1942.

⚙ 2cm Flak 38 Specifications

Dimensions4.08 m, barrel 1.3 m L/65 1.81 x 1.6 m
Mass405 kg (893 lb)
Load/recoil20 round box magazine
Elevation/traverse-12°to ±90°, Traverse 360°
Rate of fire450 rpm (cyclic)/180 rpm (practical)
Muzzle velocity900 m/s (2,953 ft/s)
Rangeceiling 2,200 m (2,406 yds), ground 5,783 m (5,230 yds)
Shell20×138mmB Caliber 20 mm (.79 in)
Carriage/sightsWheeled, 1 axle, shielded, Zeiss graduated scope.

Vickers 3-inches M1931

➾ gun produced from 1931, c1200 made until 1944.

The Vickers M1931 was a British anti-aircraft gun studied from 1929 to replaced similar caliber guns in use in WW1 on trucks and ships. It was improved across the board, faster, with higher muzzle velocity and much better range and yet its design was rejected by the British. Vickers being the master exporter it was, marketed it worldwide. First Romania licensed its and made 100 in 1936, perhaps 300 until 1944 from July 1941, 5 monthly by October 1942. Denmark licenced it also as 75 mm 49 kaliber lange luftværnskanon model 1932. Belgium, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Turkey, Switzerland and China purcjased these at Vickers. Finland purchased 12 to reduce their balance of payment in 1936 as the 76mm ItK/34 Vickers and chambered for their 76.2 mm (3 in). Those captured became the 7.5 cm Flak M 35(h) or 7.5 cm Flak M 35(d). A few unsold also were part of the British Home Defense "barrage units" from 1940.

Author's rendition of the Vickers M1931 AA

The M1931 had both a cruciform carriage with two pneumatic or solid rubber wheels, removable. Two legs were locked together to be towed by any truck. The other two legs folded in half, elevated almost vertically. The Romanians also developed for it the wheeled trailer based Bungescu M1938 Fire-control system. Despite its performance it seems it never was fitted on a truck or armoured vehicle, but certainly was used against axis tanks and armour in several occasions.

⚙ Specifications Vickers M1931

Dimensions 3.225 m (10 ft 7 in) L/43
Mass 2,825 kg (6,228 lb)
Elevation/traverse0° to +90°, 360°
Rate of fire12 rpm
Muzzle velocity750 m/s (2,500 ft/s)
Range/ceiling5 effective, 10 km max (33,000 ft)
Shell76.2 x 505mm R 6.5 kg (14 lb 5 oz)
Carriage/sightsOptical, FCS data

37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K)

➾ gun produced from 1939, 20,000 USSR alone

By far the most common Soviet AA gun of WW2, the 37 mm automatic air defense gun M1939 (61-K) story started in fact with the Soviet Navy. Indeed, the latter purchased Bofors 25 mm Model 1933 guns in 1935 and after tests, decided to create its own 45 mm adaptation. It was designated 49-K under M. N. Loginov, Lyamin and Lyuliev, although both the Navy and the Army thought it was too large for an automatic field weapon so by January 1938 the Artillery Factory Number 8 in Sverdlovsk started development of a 37 mm variant under Mikhail Loginov, and Lev Loktev. Firing trial commenced on October 1938, final trials in 1940, compared to the Bofors 40 mm/56, and eventually it was adopted and production started in 1939, until 1945.
m1939 37mm
Author's rendition of the 37mm AA M1939

The M1939 in its land version was used as a single-barrel weapon on a four-wheeled ZU-7 carriage, crew of eight, 200 rounds provided in five-round clips. It was also produced unde rlicence by Poland, China and (unlicenced) by North Korea. Armour penetration with the AP round was reported as 37 mm of rolled homogeneous armour (RHA) at 60°at 500 metres and 28 mm RHA at 90° at 1,500m. This round could turn the ZSU-37 developed late in WW2, based on the SU-76 self-propelled gun as an impromptu tank hunter. This AA gun was massively exported duting the cold war, ending in about 50+ armies and still used today by about 30.

⚙ Specifications 37 mm (1.5 in) M1939 AA Gun

Dimensions2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) L/67
Mass 2,100 kg (4,600 lb)
Elevation/traverse−5° to 85° 360°
Rate of fire160-170 rpm
Muzzle velocity880 m/s (2,900 ft/s)
Range5 km (16,000 ft)
Shell730 g (1.61 lb) Frag-T 37 or 770 g (1.70 lb) AP-T × 252 mmSR
CarriageFour-wheeled with twin outriggers

ZPU-1 (1949)

➾ AA gun produced from 1950-1991, 20,000+ all combined USSR alone

The first of this ubiquitous family of rapid fire AA guns was originally created by Tokarev back in 1928. The ZPU (zenitnaya pulemotnaya ustanovka or "anti-aircraft machine gun mount") was indeed a family of towed anti-aircraft guns, all derived from the Soviet 14.5×114mm KPV heavy machine gun, entered service in 1949 used by over 60 countries worldwide to this day in various forms such as the Quadruple-barreled ZPU-4, double-barreled ZPU-2 and ZU-2 as well as the single-barreled ZPU-1.Back in 1931 when accepted in Service, Tokarev AA mount was 1931 a quad 7.62 mm PM M1910 (Russian Maxim) guns system, used in WW2 but found rapidly inadequate, later called the ZPU M-4. Soon the 12.7 mm DShK 1938 replaced it, mounted pintle and tripod mounts. It was the equivalent of the Browning M2. Both had nicknames, the "Ma Deuce" and "Dushska". The single-barrel ZPU-1 was developed from 1945 to be carried on a two-wheeled carriage and broken down into several 80-kg parts for infantry transport over rough terrain. This first sub-post is about the ZPU-1 single barrel variant.

Author's rendition of the ZPU-1 and its basic ground mount.

The ZPU-1 soon became popular because of its insane rate of fire thanks to the 150 rounds belts. Range was relatively short, but it can hit targets still at 8 km away. The Barrel was easy to replace as well. It fired either the API (BS.41) full metal jacket bullet round with a tungsten carbide core, API-T (BZT) with a steel core and tracer and the I-T (ZP) Incendiary shell with internal fuze, tracer container (the heaviest at 60.0 g (2.12 oz)). It was widespread inside the Warsaw pact widely exported, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Poland, and Romania producting million of rounds. Both the Type 75 and Type 75-1 were Chinese built-versions seeing service in Korea, Vietnam and used by North Korea. It saw virtually action everywhere from its apparition to this day, and was especially popular when mounted on vehicles, often improvized pickups and light trucks. In the Russian inventory it was replaced by the ZU-23.

GAZ-66 with a ZPU-1

⚙ Specifications 14.5 mm ZPU-1

Dimensions3.44 x 1.62 x 1.34m (11 ft 3 in, 5 ft 4 in, 4 ft 5 in)
Mass 413 kg (910 lb)
Crew4 (Cdr, Gunner, 2 loaders)
Load/recoilShort recoil operation
Elevation/traverse−8° to 88° 360°
Rate of fire600 rpm, 150 round belt each, 1200 total
Muzzle velocity880 m/s (2,900 ft/s)
Range1.4km (0.87 miles) effective, 8 km (5 miles) max
ShellSee notes, API-T (BZT) 59.56 g (2.101 oz)
CarriageTripod, 2-wheeled carriage


➾ gun produced from 1949, Unknown numbers built

The ZPU-2 is a Soviet-designed towed anti-aircraft gun that belongs to the ZPU series. It is a twin-barreled variant of the ZPU series of heavy machine guns, which are chambered for the 14.5×114mm cartridge. The ZPU series is well-known for its versatility and has been widely exported and used in various conflicts worldwide. This is a twin-barreled anti-aircraft heavy machine gun firing 14.5×114mm rounds, at 600 rounds per minute cyclic combined 1,200 rpm, 2400 total for two ammo boxes. Effective range against aerial targets c2,000 meters (max 5 km), ground targets c3,000 meters (max 8 km). Muzzle Velocity 1,000 m/s. usually mounted on a two-wheeled carriage, towable and mobile but on many improvized vehicles as well. Efficient against low-flying aircraft, helicopters, soft ground targets, improvised ground support role with armor-piercing capability. The base principle was of air-cooled, gas-operated barrels feed from belt ammunition, with manual targeting and elevation. Simple and robust it is capable to function in harsh conditions.

Author's rendition of the ZPU-2

Introduced in the late 1940s the ZPU-2 was first widely deployed during the Korean War. It saw extensive use in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Middle East, still used today by irregular forces and militias with the large availability of its rounds on the global arms market, used by the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries, widely exported. Two vehicles are known to have provided a regular platform, for serial production: The BTR-40A SPAAG (1950) and the BTR-152A SPAAG (1952). In both cases, the ZU-2 could fire AP rounds such as BS; B-32 and BZT (AP, incendiary) for ground use, typical performance in Armour penetration at 500 m (1,600 ft) is 32 mm (1.3 in) of RHA at 90 degrees.

⚙ Specs. ZPU-2 Gun

Dimensions11.6 x 6.3 x 6 ft (3.5 x 1.92 x 1.83m)
Mass639 kgs (1409 Ib)
Load/recoilManual, belt fed
Elevation/traverse360° traverse, +90° elevation
Rate of fire600 rpm
Muzzle velocity1006 m/s
Range3000 m effective, see notes
Shell14.5x114mm 60-66.5g
Carriage/sightsOptical, 2-wheeled carriage, towed or fixed


➾ gun produced from 1949, Unknown numbers built

The ZPU-4 is an early Cold War era towed quad anti-aircraft gun developed at the end of World War 2 and inspired by the German Flakvierling. The twin mount (ZPU-2) was developed at the same time as the ZPU-4. It was also produced under license in China as the Type 56 and Romania as the MR-4. The standard mpount is placed on a four wheel chassis supported by four jacks when, towed by light trucks such as the GAZ-66. Each boasts four 14.5mm KPVT heavy machine gun and a single operator is enough, providing extra ammunition drums are reloaded on time. person. The ZPU-4 was design for organic infantry and motorized batallion AA protection thanks to their high volume of fire, offering a stable firing platform. The API (BS.41): Full metal jacket bullet round with a tungsten carbide core capable of penetrating 32 mm (1.3 in) of RHA at 500 m, with better performances compared to the API-T (BZT).

⚙ Specs.

Dimensions4.53 x 1.72 x 2.13 m (14 ft 10 in x 5 ft 8 in x 7 ft)
Mass1,810 kg(3,990 lb)
Load/recoilDrum fed, recuperating piston
Elevation/traverse+90°/−10°, 360°
Rate of fire600 rpm
Muzzle velocity1000 mps
RangeMax 8km, practical 1.5 km
Shell14.5x114mm HE 60-65g
Carriage/sightsQuad wheeled platform, Optical

Author's rendition of the ZPU-4

Like the ZPU-2 it was sometimes installed on rear trucks flatbeds in ad hoc conversions, but the ZPU-2 was valued as a better system for makeshift conversions. In any case, its high volume of fire was highly praized in land engagements in civil wars and lower intensity conflicts where the aviation threat was less present. The small caliber is mostly useful against softskin targets, with an effective range up to 1.4 m mostly useful against helicopters over time. It was also self-propelled in an early standardized form on the ZTPU-4 based on the BTR-152 armored personnel carrier in the 1950s already. But it was rare. The standard was a BTR-152 fitted with a ZPU-2 mount. However improvized armour was made from tracked vehicles such as a MT-LB and BTR-D.



➾ gun produced from 1950, c50,000 built

The AZP S60 was a Soviet 57 mm AA gun, designed to replace the prewar 37 mm M1939 gun as a single-barrel towed AA defense system, developed in the late 1940 and influenced by the German 5 cm FlaK 41. It was tested in 1946 and accepted in 1950, mass-produced, adopted by at least 37 countries across the world and still used today in many of them, also seeing most wars since 60 years. It was manufactured also in Poland and Hungary and copied by China, declined in several naval versions. The latest were the BM-57, AU-220M Baikal RWS, and the Polish S-60MB with a new digital guidance system. It saw action in Ukraine recently as well.

⚙ Specs. S60

Dimensions 8.5 m (27 ft 11 in) x 2.054 m (6 ft 9 in) x 2.37 m (7 ft 9 in)
Mass4,660 kg (10,273 lbs)
Load/recoilRecoil operated
Elevation/traverse−4° to +85°, 360°
Rate of fire105–120 rpm (cyclic), 70 rpm (sustained)
Muzzle velocity1000 mps (3,281 ft/s)
Range4,000 m (13,000 ft) (optically guided)
ShellFixed QF 57×347mmSR
Carriage/sightsFour wheels with outriggers

Author's rendition of the S-60

The only mass-produced, standardized vehicle adaptation was the ZSU-57-2 "Sparka", the famous first Soviet SPAAG, largely distributed in the Warsaw pact and beyond, and used until recently by many countries mostly as a ground combat asset given its volume of fire. The onboard guns are a variant called the S-68. They fired fused HE and frag shells but also the only anti-tank round, the UBR-281/281U a 2.8 kgs APCBC-HE-T with a 13g busting charge, 1000 m/s. of muzle velocity. This Anti-tank round is given a sharp penetrator, blunt cap and aerodynamic cover, with tracer and a delayed-action base fuze. It is capable of Penetrating 96 mm RHA at 1,000 m range or 106 mm at 500 m.

polish ZSU-57-2

Field guns

Germany ww2 15 cm sFH 18

➾ Howitzer produced 1933–1945 to 6,756

The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 (sFH 18) was nicknamed Immergrün ("Evergreen"), well known as the basic organic German division heavy howitzer during the Second World War. It served alongside the medium 10.5 cm leFH 18. It was praised by its mobility, firing range and effectiveness of its 44 kgs shell, replacing the WWI vintage 15 cm sFH 13 judged by Krupp-Rheinmetall completely inadequate.

50% heavier than its predecessor with a 40% greater muzzle velocity, 4.5 kilometers greater range and innovative split-trail gun carriage it was developed in secret from 1926 to 1930 and approved for production in 1933.

It was also the world's first gun operating a rocket-assisted ammunition for better range. The sFH 18 was produced by Krupp, Rheinmetall, Spreewerke, M.A.N. and Skoda, and used notably on the Panzerhaubitze 18/1 "Hummel". Although it only used the 43.52 kg (95.9 lb) HE shell, a lucky hit from above of that magnitude was always fatal for any tank. It was generally towed by the Sd.Kfz.7 or Sd.Kfz.8.

Author's rendition of the sFH 18 15 cm Howitzer

⚙ Specifications 15 cm sFH 18 L/29.5

Dimensions7.849 (barrel 4.440) x 2.225 x 1.707 m
Weight Travel: 6,304 kg, Combat: 5,512 kg
Crew7 (commander, gunner, 2 pointers, 3 loaders)
Load/recoil Horizontal sliding-block/hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse0° to +45°/60°
Rate of fire4 rpm
Muzzle velocity520 m/s (1,700 ft/s)
Range13,325 m (14,572 yd) - assisted 18,200 m (19,900 yd)
Shell149 mm × 260 R SLCC, weight 43.52 kg (HE)

Germany ww2 10.5 cm leFH-18 Howitzer

➾ Howitzer produced 1933–1945 to 11,848

The 10.5 cm leFH 18 (leichte Feldhaubitze, or "light field howitzer" 4.13 in) was a German standard in World War II in service from 1935 and used by all divisions and artillery battalions. 11,848 were produced and 10,265 of the modernized leFH 18/40 variant. It was the successor of the 10.5 cm leFH 16 and a better range and slightl increased rate of fire, better optics, and modern split trail gun carriage more stability and traverse, but this made it too heavy for horse-drawn artillery battalions. Because of the shortae of vehicles of the eastern front it was often bogged down in mud and snow.

The leFH 18 was developed as the leFH 18M and leFH 18/40 and in 1942 existed in self-propelled versions, one the Panzer II, H35, Char B1 or 37L chassis. It was also well distributed withing the axis nations: Bumgaria, Romania, Hungary, Spain, Finland, Slovakia used it. The first model was also exported to China, and some were found in the North Korean army. Sweden purchased the licence, Potugal obtained surplus after the war, deployed in Africa until the 1970s. It was also used by Norway post-war. It was generally towed by the Sd.Kfz.6 or Sd.Kfz.11 prime movers when available.
10.5 cm leFH-18 Howitzer
Author's rendition of the sFH 18/40 10.5 cm Howitzer

⚙ Specifications 10.5 cm sFH 18 L/29.5

Dimensions6.10 x 1.97 x 1.88 m total, Barrel 2.941 m (9 ft 8 in), 28 calibers
WeightTravel 3,490 kg, Combat 1,985 kg, split trail
SightModel 34 Sighting Mechanism
breechhorizontal sliding-block
Elevation/traverse-5° to +42°; 56°
Rate of fire/Muzzle velocity6-8 rpm; 470 m/s (1,500 ft/s)
Range10,675 m (11,674 yd)
Shell14.81 kg cased separate-loading (6 charges) 105 x 155mm R 1.845 kg (4.07 lb) TNT

german guns17 cm Kanone 18

➾ Long Range Gun produced from 1941 to 1945, 338 made by Krupp

The 17 cm K 18 was a 172.5 mm (6.79 in) towed gun, 50 calibres. The 17 cm Kanone 18 in Mörserlafette shared the same box trail carriage as the 21 cm Mörser 18, allowing transport in one piece on short distances with the right tractor, but for longer distances the barrel was carried separately. Using ramps and winches installing its took several hours. And while on the field a 360-degree traverse can still be performed by two men. But this was a heavy artillery piece only suitable to be installed in a day for shelling at long distances enemy fortifications. With the right reconnaissance it could also rain death and destruction over parked tanks...

Krupp designed the gun from waffenamt specifications in 1939 and introduced an innovative Dual-recoil mechanism, also shared by the 21 cm Mörser 18. Normal recoil forces used a conventional recoil mechanism close to the barrel but there was also the carriage sliding along rails. It absorbed all recoil energy while keeping the mount very stable when firing, and thus, making it very accurate.
Author's rendition of the 17 cm Kanone 18
Author's rendition of the 17 cm Kanone 18

The 17 cm K 18 in MrsLaf was supplied with separate ammunitions, in three types:
-KGr 39 AZ 35K or Dopp Z S/90K HE round (68 kg/150 lb) for a 28 km (17 mi) range
-KGr 38 Hb Hbgr Z 35K or Dopp Z S/90K (62.8 kg/138 lb) for 29.6 km (18.4 mi), with ballistic cap.
-Pzgr 43 Bd Z f 17cm Pzgr (71 kg/157 lb) AP shell (velocity 830 m/s) to defeat 255 mm (10.0 in) of armour at 30°.
There were four types of charges to go with these, and reach 29.6 km (18.4 mi) with "charge 4". The latter could be used at the last extremity against tanks. No Soviet armour was immune to it at 1,000m. It was used notably for defensive purposes in 1945 during the Zeelowe heights battle. Very costly only 338 were made, which needed the largest half track for towing them in the east, the Sd.Kfz.9 chiefly. It was used on all front, employed at corps and army echelons for long-range counter-battery support or as the 21 cm Mörser 18. None saw service outside Germany.

⚙ Specifications 17 cm Kanone 18

DimensionsBore 8.625 m (28 ft 3.6 in) L/50
MassTransport 23.375t, action 17.520t
Load/recoilHorizontal-block Breech, Dual-recoil hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverseElevation +50°, traverse 16° wheels, 360° platform
Rate of fire3 rpm
Muzzle velocity925 m/s (3,030 ft/s)
Range29.6 km (18.4 mi)
Shell172.5 mm (6.79 in) separate-loading HE 62.8 kg (138 lb)
Carriage/sightsBox trail

21 cm Morser 18 (1939)

➾ Howitzer produced 1939-1945, c700

The Mörser 18 was designed to replace the WWI 21 cm Mörser 16. Although not significantly different, its carriage was improved across the board. It notably featured the Krupp innovative dual-recoil system. The barrel also now retracted naturally in its cradle while the top carriage retracted across the body in turn for maximum compacity and damped out further the recoil. It made for a very steady firing platform. The carriage was resued thus for the 17 cm Kanone 18 (Mörserlafette) and 15 cm Schnelladekanone C/28.
21 cm Morser 18
Author's rendition of the 21 cm Morser 18
The Mrs 18 was carried in two parts with barrel slid on to a separate trailer. The carriage carried the integral firing platform, lowered to the ground when preparing the terrain whith its wheels were then cranked up off. There was a rear castor-wheel jack adjusting also the the rear spade for extra traverse beyond 16° either side. Although the design proces started in 1933, production only started by 1939 and slowly. Production stopped in 1942 for the 17 cm Kanone 18 in Mörserlafette which had twice its range, but resumed in 1943 and up to 1945. They were also planned to be used in the projected Geschützwagen Tiger massive self-propelled guns. A prototype tested by 1945 at Kummersdorf when captured by US troops.

⚙ Specifications 21 cm Morser 18 (210 mm/8.30 in)

Dimensions6.51 m (21 ft 4 in) L/30
Mass16,700 kg (36,817 lbs)
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-block, Dual-recoil hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse -6° to +70°; 16° wheels/360° platform
Rate of fire1 rpm
Muzzle velocity550–565 m/s (1,800–1,850 ft/s)
Range16,725 m (18,291 yd) effective
Shell113 kg (249 lb) (HE) separate loading case ammo
Carriage/sightsBox trail, unknown

7,5 cm LeIG-18

➾ Howitzer produced by Rheinmetall from 1932, 12,000

Called the 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18, this short barrel 3.0 in howitzer was designed for infantry support. It was to be easy to deploy to deal with hardened objectives on the front line. Development started in 1927 by Rheinmetall and the crew was protected by an armoured shield. Its mountain gun variant was called 7.5 cm le.GebIG 18 and even lighter. It could be broken down into six to ten packs up to 74.9 kg to be carried by an infantry platoon, two assigned to each mountain battalion. Six first 7.5 cm le.IG 18F were manufactured in 1939 as airborne guns, split into four 140 kg loads with smaller wheels and no shield. Last variant was the infantry support gun 7.5 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/13 to replace the le.IG 18 and broken into four to six loads. But since it did not improve much, production was not greenlighted. In all, c12,000 of the le.IG 18 were manufactured by Rheinmetall between 1932 and 1945. It could also fire a shaped-charge antitank round as an option, not super effective due to the low velocity.

Author's rendition of the LeIG-18

⚙ Specifications 7,5 cm LeIG-18 Howitzer

Mass1,560 kg (3,439 lb) Combat: 400 kg (882 lb)
Load/recoilTop break Breech, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-10° to 73°; 12°
Rate of fire8-12 rpm
Muzzle velocity210 m/s (690 ft/s)
Range3,550 m (3,880 yd)
Shell75 x 89mm R Fixed QF, 6 kg (13 lb 4 oz)
Carriage/sightsBox trail

soviet gunsZIS-3 76 mm divisional field Gun M1942

➾ Field gun produced from 1942, 103,000

The 76-mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3) was made at Artillery Factory No.92, and it was designed by V. G. Grabin at the end of 1940, combining the light carriage from the 57 mm ZiS-2 anti-tank gun and the 76.2 mm barrel F-22USV previous divisional field gun. They added a muzzle brake to reduce recoil it was cheaper, using casting, stamping and welding. It replaced the light 45 mm anti-tank guns and 76.2 mm divisional field guns and mass production started in December 1941. It went through an official five-day acceptance trial in February 1942 and entered service as the divisional field gun model 1942. More than 103,000 were made until 1945 so it became the most numerous Soviet field of WW2.
ZIS-3 gun
Author's rendition of the ZIS-3 gun It was replaced by the 85 mm D-44 divisional field gun. A few were captured by the Finns, some by the Romanians. The latter in 1943 made a local copy and was chosen for production as the 75 mm Reșița M1943, with 375 made, and installed on the Mareșal tank destroyer while another was used on captured T-70 light tank as the TACAM R-2 tank destroyer. The KSP-76 was a light assault car mounting which used it, but stayed at prototype stage. In direct fire, antitank role, it fired an APHE BR-350A, AP (solid) BR-350SP and Composite Armour-piercing projectiles BR-350P, BR-350N as well as the HEAT BK-354 (potwar) and BP-350M in 1944.

⚙ Specifications ZIS-3 field Gun

Dimensions3.4 m (11 ft 2 in) x 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in)x 1.37 m (4 ft 6 in)
Mass 1,116 kg, travel 2,150 kg
Load/recoilSemi-automatic vertical sliding-wedge, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−5° to +37°, 54°
Rate of fire25 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity
Range13.29 km (8.25 mi)
ShellFixed QF 76.2 × 385 mm. R 76.2 mm (3 in)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail

The Nebelwerfer

➾ rocket launchers, 15,000 produced from 1940

The Nebelwerfer ('fog launcher') were developed initially for the Nebeltruppen (smoke/chemical batallions) with wheeled mortars 10 cm Nebelwerfer 35/40 fielded in 1936-41, then replaced by a variety of rocket launchers from 15 to 32 centimetres (5.9 to 12.6 in) produced until 1945. They were used on all fronts apart the Balkans. The rockets offered more payload flexibility. The 15 cm Nebelwerfer 41 (6,000 made) arrived right after the Campaign of France by late 1940. They used a 3.7 cm PaK 36 chassis and had a range of 6,900 metres (7,500 yd). Next came the 28/32 cm Nebelwerfer 41 used during Operation Barbarossa. They carried a HE or incendiary warhead up to 2,200 metres (2,400 yd), over 1,000 made, with various cased ramps in wood or metal, sometimes adapted to vehicles, like the "Stuka zum Fuss", a variant of the Sd.Kfz.251 or captured French tanks and tankettes. Next came the 21 cm Nebelwerfer 42 with larger Werfer-Granate 21 rockets and also used by the Luftwaffe. Then the 30 cm Nebelwerfer 42 appeared to replace the 28/32 cm Nebelwerfer 41 in 1943, with 700 made, and a longer range.
Nebelwerfer 28 cm
Nebelwerfer 28 cm

Nebelwerfer 21 cm
Nebelwerfer 21 cm

Nebelwerfer 15 cm
Nebelwerfer 15 cm

The 8 cm Raketen-Vielfachwerfer was a copy of the Russian Katyucha, and they were used by the Sd.Kfz. 4 "Maultier" and French SOMUA MCG half-track. Indeed the Panzerwerfer reached greater mobility in a ten-tube 15 cm (5.9 in) launcher configuration mounted on a lightly armored Sd.Kfz. 4 "Maultier" half-track, with 300 built and later replaced by the 15 cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Schwerer Wehrmachtschlepper (fewer than 100 completed until 1945). In any case, most had HE warheads and were more efficient against infantry formations in open field rather than allied tanks formations, although the case happened multiple time. The blast was sufficient to immibilize a tank in case of a lucky near-hit, or direct hit on the engine compartment.

⚙ Specifications Nevelwerfer 21 cm (8.3 in)

Dimensions3.6 x 1.6 x 1.5m (11 ft 10 in x 5 ft 3 in x 4 ft 11 in)
Mass550 kg (1,210 lb)/1,100 kg (2,400 lb) FL
Elevation/traverse-5° to +45°, 24°
Warhead10.17[6] kg (22.4 lb)
Muzzle velocity320 m/s (1,000 ft/s)
Range7,850 m (8,580 yd)
Shell1.25 m (4 ft 1 in) 109.55 kg (241.5 lb) HE
Carriage/sightssplit-trail, 5 barrel mount
Production2626, Donauwörth Machine Factory

152mm ML20 Howitzer152mm ML20 Gun-Howitzer

➾ gun produced 1937-46, 6884, 4000 for SPGs

The 152 mm howitzer-gun M1937 (ML-20) was a Soviet heavy gun-howitzer developed by the no 172 plant design team, F. F. Petrov. It was a completely modernized variant of the 152-mm gun M1910/34 based on the 152-mm siege gun M1910, a pre-WW1 Schneider design. The ML20 was produced from 1937 to 1946. It was deployed at corps/army level in the Soviet Army. Many were captured by the Wehrmacht and Finnish Army as well. The early cold war saw a continuous use, notably in Korea, Indochina, Vietnam notably of the ML-20, up to the 1970s.
152mm ML20 Howitzer
Author's rendition of the 152mm ML20 Howitzer

The ML-20 was of course not an anti-tank weapon, although it could be lowered enough for direct fire, and the impact of its HE shell was massive concussion for any tank, medium or heavy in the German arsenal. Raining shells and direct hits were also of course devastating. The connection with tanks goes through its main tractor until it changed, the Komintern, based on the T14/T24 medium tanks chassis. This gun was also mounted in the Soviet assault guns/tank destroyers SU-152 and ISU-152.

SU-152 "beast killer"

⚙ Specifications ML20 Gun-Howitzer

Lenght8.18 m (26 ft 10 in) oa; barrel 4.24 m (13 ft 11 in) L/27.9
width2.35 m (7 ft 9 in)
height2.27 m (7 ft 5 in)
Masscombat 7,270 kg (16,027 lb, travel 7,930 kg (17,482 lb)
Load/recoilInterrupted screw, hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−2° to 65°, 58°
Rate of fire3-4 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity655 m/s (2,150 ft/s)
Range17.23 km (10.7 mi)
Shell152 x 547 mm R 152.4 mm (6 in)
Carriage/sightsstandard scope, split trail

105mm M119 Howitzer

➾ Howitzer produced from 1989, c4,000
The M119 howitzer is a lightweight 105 mm howitzer developed for the United States Army, licensed version of the British L119 light gun. A small ordnance, it is however too heavy to be assimilated to a mountain gun. It is generally towed by the M1097 or M1152 HMMWV (Hummer) or airlifted by helicopter, airdropped by parachute, for extra tactical mobility. It was originally the British L118 using cased separate loading ammunition, in service in 1976 and assigned to parachute and commando field artillery regiments, used notably in the Falklands. The licence agreement was reached in 1987 and the L119 was reconfigured to NATO-standard 105 mm semi-fixed ammunition, produced by Joint Manufacturing Technology Center of Rock Island Arsenal to replace the 1964 M102 howitzer.

Author's rendition of the M119

In what we are concerned, whatever the variant, M119, M119A1, M119A2, M119A3 (last production run until 2013), lacks any proper anti-tank ammunition. These shells are classed by their propelling charge, M67, M176, M200, M219 and M350. The M67 range had an intereting variant though for antitank purposes, the M916 (DPICM) – Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition (now withdrawn from service) which range was 11.5 km (7.1 mi). Its dual purpose came from it's "cargo" use, combining both shaped charges for anti-armor role, and fragmentation for antipersonnel role in one round. The type is now banned by a convention on cluster ammunitions.

⚙ Specifications 105mm M119 Howitzer

Dimensions10 ft 6 in (3.20 m) L/30.48 x 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)
Mass5,110 lb (2,320 kg)
Crew5 min, 7 max
Elevation/traverse-5.625° +69.975°/5.625°
Rate of fire8 rpm for 3 minutes
Muzzle velocityRound dependent
Range17,500 to 19,500 m (12.1 mi)
ShellSemi-fixed 105 x 372 mm R (4.13 in)
Carriage/sightssplit trail, 3× M90A2 telescope, M137A1 panoramic telescope

south africaGNH N-45 Howitzer

➾ gun produced from 1980, c5,000

The GC-45 ("Gun, Canada, 45-calibre") is a 155 mm howitzer designed by Gerald Bull's Space Research Corporation (SRC), a man theat later took part in research for the Iraqi "supergun" in the late 1980s. One og his smaller models as a long range, super high velocity howitzer which was produced by number of companies such as Austria and South Africa. The GHN-45 was also used by some Iraqi artillery units, with a range surpassing any other ordnance at the time. Armscor continued work on their own variant, which was adopted by South Africa in 1982 as the G5. It replaced all WWII era legacy ordnance sich as the QF 25 pdr. The G5s saw combat in Angola notably against the Cubans and local forces, very effectively. Voest-Alpine's Noricum division if fact purchased its design rights, made detail changes to improve mass production and gave the GHN-45 (Gun, Howitzer, Noricum), integrating APU and fire control systems.

Author's rendition of the CG-45

The Royal Thai Navy was the first customer, for their Marine Corps, but also China, Singapore and Israel which all setuo their own domestic production, such as the Soltam 845P in Israel, ODE FH-88 in Singapore, PLL01/WA021 in China. Its performances were 39.6 km (24.6 mi) with Base bleed. It does fire all compatible 155 mm ammunitions, including a few with sub-munitions to deal with tank formations. It was exported aslo to the UAE, Jordan, Kuwait, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia with Iran capturing a few ex-Iraqi ones. Its most famous self-propelled adaptation remains the south African G6 Rhino.

⚙ Specifications GNH N-45

Dimensions6.98 meters x 155 mm (6.1 in.)
Mass8,220 kg (18,120 lb)
Elevation/traverse-89° to +128°, left 53.4°, right 71°
Rate of fire5 rpm sustained: 2 rpm
Muzzle velocity897 metres per second (2,940 ft/s)
Range39.6 km (24.6 mi)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail

130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46)

➾ gun produced from 1951, c6000

The 130 mm towed field gun M-46 is a manually loaded, towed 130 mm ordnance, mas produced in USSR from 1951 to 1971. NATO observed in 1954, hence the name. The M-46 was the longest range artillery at the time above 27 km (17 mi) unassisted and later in the 1960s up to 40 km (25 mi) with assisted shells. It ws studied from 1946 and manufactured by MOTZ, from a request in April 1946 to design a "duplex" artillery piece to replace the 122 mm gun M1931/37 (A-19) and 152 mm howitzer-gun M1937 (ML-20) as well as the 122 mm Model 1931, 152 mm Model 1910/30, 152 mm Model 1935 (BR-2). Factory No 172 (MOTZ) gave it a familiar carriage and the first of these new guns was named M-46 (130 mm), the other M-47 (152 mm) (GRAU 52-P-482 for the M46). Development was completed in 1950. It was mass produced and largely exported, still in park with most users to this day. It saw also many wars and conflicts, From Vietnam to as recently as the current war in Ukraine.

Author's rendition of the M46 in IDF service, modified by SOLTAM
This gun was derived into the M47 with an even longer range, and in China as the Type 59 as a licensed version and the 59-1 was a combination with the Type 60 (D-74 copy) chassis, same range as the M-46, lower weight and the Egyptian M59-1M was licenced, based on the Type 83 SPH. It was used with Cuba, India, Israel, North Korea, Serbia, Netherlands, Romania and Vietnam. This ordnance coukd fire the Frag-HE, 3OF33 (range 27,490 meters) Frag-HE, 3OF33 and the Frag-HE, ERFB-BB with Extended Range Full Bore (range 38,000 meters). The APCBC-HE-T, BR-482 and BR-482B was its antitank variant, with a range of 1,140 meters. It also fired a guided Shell, the Firn-1 (range 24,000 m), Smoke, Chemical and Illumination. North Korea made three self propelled artilery systems from it, the SPG 130 mm M1975, the SPG 130 mm M1981 and the SPG 130 mm M1991. Romania created the A412 or Tun calibrul 130-mm tractat M1982 SPG as well. Cuba created one based on a T-34-85 chassis and another in the 2000s, as a modified KrAZ 6x6 truck. The latter was adopted by Vietnam as the PTH130-K225B.

⚙ Specifications M46

Dimensions11.73 m (38 ft 6 in) x2.45 m (8 ft) x2.55 m (8 ft 4 in)
Mass7,700 kg (17,000 lb)
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-wedge/hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−2.5° to 45°, 50°
Rate of fire6 rpm (normal), 8 rpm (burst), 5 rpm (sustained)
Muzzle velocity930 m/s (3,051 ft/s)
Range27 km (17 mi) unassisted, 40 km (25 mi) assisted
Shell130 x 845 mm R (R/184.6mm) separate charge and projectile
Carriage/sightsSplit Trail

Soviet ww2152mm D20 Howitzer

➾ c50,000 built 1955-1970

A long-lasting Soviet gun-howitzer still used on battlefields across the world today. Widely exported, this solid, reliable, powerful ordnance was developed after the war by F. Petrov Design Bureau from 1949, to replace aging or worn out WW2 stock guns and howitzers. The time needed to perfect the design helped to secure all solutions that worked, simplify all components, ensuring extra reliability, ease of maintenance, repair ot transport, as well as cheap, mass production. It is today quite an oddball of old school artillery with narrow wheeled gun carriages, quaint splinter shields from the D-74 122 mm howitzer. The D20 entered service in 1955 and instantly became a success, replacing all the intended ordnances and produced until 1970.
122mm D20 Howitzer
Author's rendition of the D20

The D20 was produced for decades at the Artillery Plant Number 9, Yekaterinburg. It was usable against tank formations if stationary, with the punch of its massive HE shells at 17 km and up to 24 with modern rocket-assisted rounds. So far, it saw action in the Vietnam War, Six-Day War, Yom Kippur War, Soviet–Afghan War, Iran–Iraq War, Lebanese Civil War, First Nagorno-Karabakh War, Syrian Civil War, Russo-Ukrainian War and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict among others. There are currently 25 users, with 13 former ones. It was copied into the Chinese PL-66, Romanian A411, Serbian M84 NORA-A. The D-20 led to the design of the D-22 (GRAU index: 2A33), used for the self-propelled 2S3 Akatsiya ("Acacia") but it was also copied for the Chinese Type 83 SPH, truck mounted NORA B-52 and North Korean M1974.

⚙ Specifications D20 Howitzer

Dimensions8.69 m x 152 mm (26 calibers)
Mass5.56 t
Crew10 men
Elevation/traverse-5/+45°, 58° each side
Rate of fire5-6 rpm
Muzzle velocity
Range17.4 km, 24 for improved modernized variants
ShellComposite HE, separate ammo, 43.56 kg HE
Carriage/sightsSplit trail

122mm D-74122mm D-74

➾ gun produced from 1955, c20,000 built until 1970

The 122mm D-74 towed gun is a Soviet-built gun. Developed in the late 1950s it provided direct and indirect fire for the Soviet Army. Today it is in reserve units with the Russian Army. It is in active service with the Egyptian Army and the Pakistani Army. The 122 mm (originally 48 lines) calibre has been in Russian service since the early 20th century. After World War II the Soviet Union developed two new long range guns to replace existing 122 mm and 152 mm guns such as 122 mm gun M1931 (A-19), 122 mm gun M1931/37 (A-19), 152 mm gun M1910/30 and 152 mm gun M1935 (Br-2). The two new guns were the 122 mm D-74 and the 130 mm M-46.

The D-74 design was probably initiated in the late 1940s and it was first seen in public in 1955. It was designed by the well established design bureau at Artillery Plant No. 9 in Sverdlovsk (now Motovilikha Plants in Yekaterinburg), led by the eminent artillery designer Fëdor Fëdorovich Petrov who was also responsible for several World War II and later artillery designs. The design team also developed the 152 mm gun howitzer D-20 at much the same time, and both D-74 and D-20 use the same carriage. Both the 122 mm D-74 and 130 mm M-46 entered Soviet service, but the heavier shell and greater range of the M-46 meant that it outlasted the D-74.
122mm D-74
Author's rendition of the 122mm D-74

The gun fires separate ammunition using a metal cartridge case that also provides obturation. The ammunition is different to that used with 122 mm howitzers. There is a single charge without increments. The shell weight is 25 kg with a muzzle velocity of 900 m/s although the slightly lighter APHE shell has a higher muzzle velocity. Maximum rate of fire is usually stated as six rounds per minute. The detachment was either eight or nine men, probably differing between armies and period. In Soviet service the 5,600 kg gun was usually towed by a URAL-375 6×6 truck, AT-S or AT-L medium tractor in some regions. Vehicles using the D-74: None, but the 2S1 M-1974 Gvodzika carried a derivative, the D-30.

⚙ Specifications Rgt; Gun M1927

Dimensions9.875/6.45 x 2.35 x 2.7m (30 ft/21 ft 2 in x 7 ft 9 in x 8 ft 10 in)
Mass5,620 kg (12,390 lbs)
Load/recoilSemi-auto vertical sliding-wedge, Hydro-pneumatic
Rate of fire8–10 rpm
Muzzle velocity885 m/s (2,907 ft/s)
Rangedirect 1.08 km (.67 mi)/23.9 km (15 mi)
Shell122 mm (4.8 in) Separate loading charge and projectile

Soviet artilleryRegimental Gun M1927

➾ gun produced from 1928, 18,116

The 76 mm regimental gun M1927 was a Soviet infantry support gun developed in 1927 by the design bureau of Orudiyno-Arsenalny Trest, entering production in 1928 with 18,116 manufactured until 1943. When Operation Baraossa started, the Red Army had some 4,708 in inventory. In 1943, it was replaced in production by the 76 mm regimental gun M1943, and remained in service until the end of the war. The Germans captured many, renamed 7.62 cm Infanteriekanonehaubitze 290(r) as the Finns as 76 RK/27.

This was a slight, short barrel gun to deal light field fortifications and personnel, by direct fire like the 7.7 cm Infanteriegeschütz L/27. HEAT shell gave it limited anti-tank capabilities though. It had the same 76.2mm caliber as divisional guns, but a smaller propellant charge. It's shell flange was modified to prevent the divisional gun rounds to be loaded into the chamber. It was issued to rifle and cavalry regiments, each Arty battalion of rifle brigade had one such battery and some were used by anti-tank artillery battalions.

Author's rendition of the Regimental Gun M1927

⚙ Specifications Regimental Gun M1927

Dimensions3.5 x 1.7 x 1.3 m (11 ft 6 in x 5 ft 7 in x 4 ft 3 in)
Mass780 kg (1,720 lb)
Crew4 - 76.2 mm (3 in)
Load/recoilInterrupted screw
Elevation/traverse6°, -6° to 25°
Rate of fire10-12 rpm
Muzzle velocity387 m/s (1,270 ft/s)
Range4.2 km (2.6 mi)
ShellFixed QF 76.2 x 167mm R 6.2 kg (13 lb 11 oz)
Carriage/sightsPole trail
The best round on offer was the HEAT BP-350M for anti-tank role. It was capable of 311 m/s (1,020 ft/s) in muzzle velocity instead of 262 m/s (860 ft/s) for the Frag rounds and an effective range of 1000 m or 1100 yards. It was also modernized as the M1943, last production variant, using the split-trail carriage and shield from the 45 mm anti-tank gun M1942 (M-42) as well as amodernized barrel. It was aslo placed on verhicles, the SU-12 GAZ-AAA truck in portee and with a shield, production from 1933 to 1935. The SU-26 was another variant mounted on a pedestal mount with a tailored, tall shield, on the chassis of the T-26. It equipped also early versions of the T-28 heavy tank and found its way in the BT-7A.

The SU-26 (14 made in 1941) was a self-propelled gun sporting the Regimental Gun M1927.

122mm Howitzer 2A18 D30

➾ Howitzer produced from 1960, 12,000 est.

Studied to replace WW2 legacy 122mm howitzers, the 2A18 (GRAU) or D30 Howitzer is a famous ordnance today. It was developed by F.F. Petrov and produced by Gosudarstvennoe Unitarnoe Predpriatie Zavod 9 to some 12k units from 1960, constantly improved and largely exported to 100+ operators, seeing 30+ wars and conflicts and its story is not over. This model is still used today in Ukraine as of 2024. What made it so special ? Albeit it was a robust piece that focused on essential features of a towed field gun with a not so great max range of 15.4 kilometers (21 with rocket-assisted ammunition), it was its mounting that set it apart. It combined legs with undercarriage in such a way it could be deployed on a 360° tabletop, something unique at the time.
soviet howitzer d30
Author's rendition of the D30

It was capable of direct anti-tank fire, evidenced by the very effective HEAT shell develop for it and a low silhouette, wide and rapid top-traverse and its shield. Itis also capable of firing the AP Flechete, HEAT-FS (740m/s, fastest) and HEAT-FS-T against tanks. It was also carried by the 2S1 Gvozdika and the Sora 122mm developed in Serbia, the SH-2 by Norinco, and PLZ-07. Another version was developed by Soltam and Elbit under contract for the Kazakhstani Ministry of Defense, based on the KamAZ-6350 8x8 chassis...

⚙ Specifications D30 (4.8 in)

Dimensions4.66 m (15 ft 3 in) 38 calibres (5.4 x 1.9 x 1.6m transport)
Mass3,210 kg (7,080 lb)
Load/recoilSemi-automatic vertical sliding-wedge, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−7° to 70°, 360°
Rate of fire10–12 rpm, sustained 5–6 rpm
Muzzle velocityAmmunition dependent
Range15.4 km (9.6 mi), 21.9 km (13.6 mi) assisted
Shell122 x 447mm .R
Carriage/sightstripod, optical, centralized fire data

122mm M30 Howitzer

➾ Howitzer produced 1939-47, 19,266.

The 122 mm howitzer M1938 (M-30) (GRAU 52-G-463) was a Soviet 121.92 mm (4.8 inch) howitzer, developed by the design bureau of Motovilikha Plants (F. F. Petrov) in 1936, tested and enhanced and production started in 1939. It ran off until 1947 but other countries had it produced until 1955. This became the prime divisional artillery Red Army ordnance. Many were captured and used both by the Wehrmacht and Finnish Army as well. Postwar, the M-30 was largely exported and saw a lot of combats, notably in the Middle East, but also in Korean, Vietnam, in the Laotian and Cambodian Civil Wars, Indonesian invasion of East Timor, Soviet–Afghan War, Lebanese Civil War, Iran–Iraq War, Second Sudanese Civil War, Syrian Civil War, Sri Lankan Civil War, and even in the recent Russo-Ukrainian War as we speak.
soviet howitzer d30
Author's rendition of the 122mm M30 Howitzer(R)

The antitank capabilities of the M30 are of course incidental, but at 5–6 rounds per minute up to 11.8 km (7.33 mi) it could deliver all sorts of ammunitions, some over the years had been produced for anti-tank uses. Already crews in 1944-45 had at their disposal a HEAT shell developed in 1943. However HE had some successes like a Tiger reported heavily damaged by a self-propelled variant fired by an SU-122 assault gun. The gun was also used on the SG-122, a modsified Russian captured STUG-III. The Germans had it mounted on the Lorraine 37L chassis producing the 12,2-cm Kanone (r) auf Geschützwagen Lorraine-Shlepper (f), also used in an armoured train. The chinese developed the 4 roaswheels Type WZ302 (Type 70 SPH) and later the 6-roadwheels, WZ302A or Type 70-1 and Type WZ302B or Type 70-2 an the Romanians in 1942 developed an early Mareșal using the gun also.

⚙ Specifications M30

Dimensions5.9 x 1.98 x 1.82m (19 ft 4 i x 6 ft 6 in x 6 ft)
MassCombat 2,450 kg (5,401 lbs), travel 3,100 kg (6,834 lbs)
Load/recoilInterrupted screw, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−3° to 63.5°, 49°
Rate of fire5–6 rounds per minute
Muzzle velocity431-515 mps
Range11.8 km (7.33 mi)
Shell21 Kgs. 122 x 284mm .R (121.92 mm/4.8 in)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail

240 mm Howitzer M1

➾ gun produced from 1943, 315 made

The 240 mm howitzer M1 "Black Dragon" was the heaviest towed howitzer of the United States Army. It was designed to replace the WWI 240 mm howitzer M1918, based itself on a 1911 French design Mortier de 280 modèle 1914 Schneider, and now outdated. It used for transport three-axle, six-wheeled wagons, carrying each either the cannon tube, and carriage. For setup in the field, the 20-ton M2 truck-mounted crane was needed, while the crane had a clam-shell bucket transported on a trailer, to dig the recoil pit. Two hours were needed to setup this artillery piece. The M6 High Speed Tractor was also designed for it, but did only entered production by Feb. 1944.
240 mm Howitzer M1
Author's rendition of the 240 mm Howitzer M1

Not an antitank howitzer of course it still could inflict untold damage in case of a direct hit. There were attempts to have the 240 mm M1 self-propelled. The usual way were two six-wheeled wagons towed by a Mack NO 7½-ton 6x6 truck or M33 or M35 prime movers, and tests were made to have it carried by a stretched Heavy Tank T26E3 chassis (extra bogie) known as the T92 Howitzer Motor Carriage, with 115 planned, five tested as the war ended. They would have been the largest SPG ever in US service, but post-WW2 was more about 155 mm as a standard, with NATO standard ammunition and more accuracy. The M240 was also used postwar by the US in Korea, and until 1959, and by Taiwan until today, most being transferred, but also the Philippines.

⚙ Specifications 240 mm Howitzer M1

DimensionsBarrel 27 ft 6 in (8.38 m) L/35, Width 9 ft 2 in (2.79 m)
Mass64,700 lb (29,300 kg) in action
Load/recoilInterrupted screw, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse+15° to +65°, 22.5° either side.
Rate of fire1 rpm, 30/h sustained
Muzzle velocity2,300 ft/s (701 m/s)
Range14.3 mi (23.1 km)
Shell360 lb (160 kg) separate loading, bagged charge
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, 2 transport wagons

25 pdr howitzer 88 mm25 pdr howitzer

➾ gun produced 1938-1945, 12,000 made

The 25 pdr was probably the most famous ordnance of the British and Commolwealth armies during WW2 and well beyond, right to the end of the cold war, with many users and seeing plenty of service. It is still in use in the british army as saluting guns today. The Ordnance QF 25-pounder had a 3.45 inches (87.6 mm) caliber, and as a field artillery it was seen was very durable, easy to operate and versatile, the major British British field gun/Howitzer.

It was introduced into service just before the War started t replaced both the replace the 18-pounder (3.3-inch or 84 mm) field gun and 4.5-inch howitzer (114.3 mm bore). This new "universal field gun" was to combine the advantages of both formula into a single gun easy to use and manufacture. It had indeed high-angle and direct-fire abilities, high rate of fire, a shell that was lethal enough, while being still light, compact, easy to move around, including with an arrangement allowinf a full 360° traverse if needed. Initial production shooted up as more manufactures came in for a grand total of 12,000 delivered by 1945. It stayed active in th British Army until the 1960s and training units until the 1980s, 1970s in Commonwealth countries with an ammunition currently still produced by Pakistan Ordnance Factories.
25 pdr howitzer 88 mm
Author's rendition of the 25 pdr howitzer 88 mm

A true legend of a gun, the 25-pdr could be used in anti-tank roles at the margin, and they were provided by two types of AT shells: The 20 pounds (9.1 kg) solid armour-piercing (AP) shot, later replaced by a ballistic cap (APBC) one. They used the charge No. 3, super, for extra muzzle velocity in direct fire. A shaped charge anti-tank shell was under development in Canada until the QF 17-pounder was provided, making it irrelevant. Postwar, HESH shells were provided. For mobility, the 25-pdr was of course usually towed, as Armoured divisions were standardised with two field artillery regiments, including a self-propelled one, each having two batteries of twelve guns, Morris CDSW, Vickers Light Dragon Mk. III, Bren Carrier, T16, and thousands of CMP, Morris, Guy and Karrier "quad" 4x4 field artillery tractors as well as in 1945, the Bedford three-ton gun tower.

It was also mounted ion the self-propelled Bishop in Africa, and later the US lend-lease M7 Priest as well as the Canadian Sexton, based on the Ram and later Grizzly tank chassis. In the cold war, these were replaced by the 105mm Abbot SPG. But the caliber was considered obsolete as NATO imposed the 105 and 155 mm as new standards.

⚙ Specifications 25 pdr howitzer

Dimensions4.6 m (15 ft 1 in) x 2.13 m (7 ft)
Mass1,633 kg (3,600 lb)
Crew6 (commander, 1 gunner, 1 pointer, 3 loaders)
Load/recoilVertical sliding-block, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-5° to 45°, 4° Left & Right traverse, 360° platform
Rate of fireFrom 1 to 8 rpm
Muzzle velocity532 m/s (1,750 ft/s) AP shells
Range12,253 m (13,400 yd) (HE shell)
Shell88 x 292mm R11.5 kg (25 lb)
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, platform, Calibrating & reciprocating

5.5 in BL Howitzer

➾ Howitzer produced 1941-45, 5,000

In January 1939 a specification asked for a 5.5 tons howitzer to replace the vintage 6 inch 26 cwt with a desired new range of 16,000 yards (15 km). 5.5 inches withe Asbury breechblock initially and semi-automatic firing mechanism copied from on naval guns was adopted. However it was dropped, as well as complex hydropneumatic equilibrators for springs. The first arrived in the summer of 1941 in North Africa, equipped both British and Free French at El Alamein, and then Canadian, Australian, South African, Polish and Indian regiments. A regimental strenght was 16 guns, two batteries. It saw action also in Korea, South Arabia and Borneo, by the Indian Army with Pakistan up to the Kargil War of 1999. it was used in the South African Border War as G2 and stayed in the 1980s Territorial Army regiments and Australia until 1984, rteplaced by the FH-70 155 mm towed howitzer.
5.5 in BL Howitzer
Author's rendition of the 5.5 in BL Howitzer

The 5.5 in BL Howitzer was not usable against tanks, there was no AP but gunners were trained to use impact fuze and fire unfused high explosive as AP substitutes. This ordnance was towed by the AEC Matador as prime mover, and in the 1950s the AEC Militant Mk 1 6x6 truck and FV 1103 Leyland Martian 6x6 Medium Artillery Tractor. it was believed to be too heavy unlike the 25 pdr to be installed on a self-propelled platform. Only in 1944 a prototype Crusader gun tractor was made, with the gun installed in an open compartment without casmemate and during the cold war by the 1950s FV3805 derived from the Centurion in a barbette and fully enclosed casemate, plus engine swapped to the front. Two prototypes were tested, one later restored at Bovington.

⚙ Specifications 5.5 in BL Howitzer AT Gun

Dimensions24 ft 7 in/13 ft 9 in x 8 ft 4 in x 8 ft 6 in (7.5/4.19 m L/30 x 2.54 x 2.6 m)
Mass13,647 lbs (6,190 kg)
Load/recoilWelin breech and Asbury mechanism, Recoil Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-5° to 45°, 30° left and right
Rate of fire2 rpm
Muzzle velocity100lb shell (45 kg): 1,675 ft/s (511 m/s)
Range100lb shell: 16,200 yards (14,800 m)
ShellSeparate loading bagged charge and projectile
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, Probert pattern reciprocating and calibrating

BL 7.2in Howitzer

➾ gun produced from 1940, 296 Mk.I-IV, 78 Mk.VI

The 7.2in Howitzer was very much a "quick fix" to gove the British army a heavy howitzer. These were stock WWI BL 8in (declared obsolete in 1926) that had their barrels just re-lined to 7.2in (a new liner was built-in for a new barrel life). The original 8in carriage was not forgotten and the old style spoken wheels replaced by pneumatic wheels in order to be towed at greater speeds. In all, these were declined into six variants or Marks. Mark I to IV only had minor differences but Mark V was adapted on the US made M1 carriage and Mark VI a longer barrel for a longer range. The conversion process started in 1940 and was completed by 1944. The 7.2 in howitzer Mk 6 used the M1 carriage and with its longer barrel resembled the US "Long Tom".

Author's rendition of the BL 7.2in Howitzer

The 7.2 in Combat debut was in North Africa. It was also used Europe from DD-Day as well as in Sicily and Italy, and the far east, Burma as well in 1944-45 but remained in use up to the 1960s. Not bad for an ordnance designed in 1915. It was also built in the US as the M1917 back in WWI and many were retransferred to Britain in 1940, and later converted. It was also used by the Finns in 1939 in the Russo-Finnish Winter War. The BL 7.2 in had a relatively low velocity and made for a poor anti-tank gun. it was never used as such, but of course a volley falling onto a stationed tank formation was always devatating. It was used by batteries of two four guns and towed usually by the Scammell Pioneer, and from later 1943 by the Albion CX22S.

⚙ Specifications BL Mark I-IV 7.2in Howitzer

Dimensions24 ft 4 in (7.42 m), barrel 14 ft 3 in (4.34 m)
Dimensions w/h9 ft (2.7 m), Height 4 ft 3 in (1.30 m)
Mass10.22 long tons (10.38 t)
Load/recoilWelin screw & asbury mech
Elevation/traverseup to 45°, 4° left & right
Rate of fireBest 3 rpm
Muzzle velocity1,697 ft/s (517 m/s)
Range16,900 yd (15,500 m)
ShellHE 202 pounds (92 kg) 7.2 inches (182.9 mm)
Carriage/sightsSplit Trail

75mm Pack Howitzer M1 (M116)

➾ gun produced from 1927, 8,400 made

The 75mm Pack Howitzer M1 was a versatile artillery piece used by the United States during World War II and later conflicts. Developed in the 1920s, it was designed to be lightweight and easily transportable, hence the term "pack" in its name. It could be broken down into several components and carried by pack animals or disassembled and transported by troops. This mobility made it well-suited for operations in rugged terrain or areas where heavier artillery couldn't reach.

The M1 howitzer fired a 75mm shell and had a range of around 8,800 meters. It was primarily used for indirect fire support, targeting enemy positions, artillery, or fortifications. Its relatively small size and weight made it suitable for use by airborne and mountain troops, as well as infantry units operating in difficult terrain.

During World War II, the 75mm Pack Howitzer M1 saw extensive use by U.S. forces in various theaters of operation, including Europe, the Pacific, and North Africa. It remained in service for several decades after the war and was utilized during the Korean War (renamed M116 from 1967) and into the early years of the Vietnam War, although it was gradually phased out in favor of more modern artillery systems.

Author's rendition of the Pack Howitzer M1

Mounted at first on classic artillery spoked wheels it was converted to wheeled pneumatic for rapid towed deployment, it was compatible to all US trucks, down to the 1/4 ton jeep, was frequently towed by the Dodge WC or transported by plane or glider such as CG-4 Waco. It was also mounted on many vehicles: M8 Scott on the mount M7, LVT(A)-4 (same) and (A)-5 in mount M12 as well as the 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage T30 M1A1 in mount T10, half track. It also came with an anti-tank shell, the HEAT M66 capable of penetrating 91 mm (3.6 in) of homogeneous armor.

⚙ Specifications 75mm Pack Howitzer M1

Dimensions3.68 x 1.19 0.94 m (12 ft 1 in x 4 ft x 3 ft 1 in)
Barrel75 mm (2.95 in), 1.38 m (4 ft 6 in) L/18.4
Mass653 kg (1,439 lbs)
Crew6 or more
Load/recoilHorizontal-block, Hydro-pneumatic, constant
Elevation/traverse-5° to +45°, 6°
Rate of fire6 rpm
Muzzle velocity381 m/s (1,250 ft/s)
Range (effective)8.8 km (5.5 mi)
ShellFixed and Semi-fixed 75 x 272 mm R 8.27 kg (18 lb 4 oz)
Carriage/sightsBox trail or Split-trail depending on model

8-inches Howitzer M1

➾ gun produced from 1942, 139

The 8-inch gun M1 was a 203 mm towed heavy gun developed in the United States. At 32,584 m (35,635 yd), it had the longest range of any US Army field artillery weapon in World War II. It was also used in small numbers by the British Army. The 8-inch Gun M1 was a large caliber artillery piece used by the United States during World War II and the Korean War. This Heavy artillery field gun rated for 203 mm (heavy cruiser naval caliber) was a 40 calibers, c8.1 meters (26.6 feet) long, designed by the Army Ordnance Corps. It's development started in 1919 actually, when the Westervelt Board described the ideal heavy gun for the US army having a 194 mm to 8 inches caliber and c200 lbs she with a range of 35,000 yards. It was also to be made road transportable. This did not existed anywhere at the time. However the postwar years had it relegated to archives as it had very low-priority with some design work made until the project was shelved in 1924. Development restarted in June 1940, with the adoption of the 8-inch (203 mm) to make it compatible with largely available naval rounds, and a range of 33,500 yards (30,600 m). For transport it was broke into two loads 44,000 lb (20,000 kg) each and made so that it could be towed at 25 mph (40 km/h) on road and be placed on two railways flatbeds.

Author's rendition of the 8-in Howitzer M1
The M1 saw action primarily in Europe from D-Day onwards, France, Italy and Germany until V-Day. It was used for long-range bombardment and counter-battery fire. The M1 was reactivated for the Korean War in similar roles, providing heavy fire support for UN forces in an even more favourable environment. It was towed by heavy high speed tracked artillery tractors in two loadd to be assembled on-site. Trucks or other tractors with trailers brought ammunitions. The 8-inches M1 was typically deployed in heavy artillery battalions. It was valued for its ability to deliver high-explosive shells over long distances, which was effective against enemy fortifications and troop concentrations. Post-WWII advancements in artillery and missile technology eventually rendered the M1 obsolete, but its design and use provided valuable lessons for the development of future heavy artillery systems. This was of course not intended to deal with tanks, but raining down fire on static tanks formation was quite punishing. The most common ammunition was the HE M103 Shell. Even a near-miss could overturn a Konigstiger (65 tons) like a pancake as shown in latter stage in Germany. The US Army tested with it a giant self propelled gun, the 8in Gun Motor Carriage T93, based on the stretched Heavy Tank T26E3 chassis. It did not reached production.

⚙ Specifications 8-inch gun M1

Dimensions40 feet (12.2 meters) overall
Mass32 tons (64,000 pounds)
Rate of fire1 round per 2-5 minutes, depending on crew efficiency and conditions
Muzzle velocity
Rangec35,000 yards (32 km or 20 miles)
ShellAverage 240 pounds (108.9 kg) HE

105 mm Howitzer M2A1

➾ gun produced from 1941, 10,200 until 1953

After WWI, the U.S. Army Ordnance Department studied captured German 105 mm howitzers and developed from there a 105 mm Howitzer M1920 on carriage M1920. It was later adapted to the M1925E box trail carriage and split trail designs such as the T1 and T2 until standardized in December 1927, as the 105 mm howitzer M1 on carriage M1. The intention was to replace all M1897 75 mm gun-howitzers in field artillery regiments but the project was abandoned in with just 14 M1 manufactured in 1933. A modified version was tested with a semi-fixed ammunition in 1932 with a different breech block as the howitzer M2 on carriage M1. 48 manufactured in 1939, later mated on T5 (M2) carriages, standardized in February 1940, and last breech ring modification by March 1940, then large-scale production started of the wartime M2A1 on carriage M2, 10,200 made until 1953 at Rock Island Arsenal.

Author's rendition of the 105mm M2

It was heavy for its calibre, but very durable, and thus did not worn out. It served in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and was still provided to natiional guard units in he 1980s. It was redesignated in 1962, the M101A1 and competed with the new M102 howitzer and albeit retired afterwards it soldiered on in many armies to this day like South Korea and its local K105A1. It was mounted in Sherman tanks (M4A4E1 and M4(105)), the M45, T9, T19, M7, M37, and T88.

⚙ Specifications 105 mm (4.1 in) Howitzer M2

Dimensions19 ft 6 in x 5 ft 8 in (5.94 x 1.73 m)
Mass 4,980 lb (2,260 kg)
Load/recoilHorizontal-block, Hydro-pneumatic, constant, 42 in
Elevation/traverse−5° (−89 mils)-65° (1,156 mils); ±23° (±409 mils)
Rate of fire10 rpm
Muzzle velocity1,550 ft/s (472 m/s)
Range7.00 mi (11,270 m)
Shell105×372 mm R
Carriage/sightssplit trail, optical

fr ww2155 mm GIAT Howitzer M1950

➾ gun produced from 1950, 980 made until 1959

The "Obusier de 155 mm Modèle 50" was a French 155 mm, 30 calibre howitzer which was developed from 1945 and in service in 1952. It was the first French artillery design since the 1930s and ended manufactured in France, with 980 howitzers made for the army and exported to Lebanon (50), Morocco (18), Senegal (6), Israel (170), Switzerland (20), Tunisia (30) and produced under license in Sweden. The Model 50 has a split trail and large slotted muzzle-brake, as well as extra mobility with its four-wheeled bogie and retractable firing pedestal, beneath the axles.

Author's rendition of the 155 mm GIAT M1950

The Model 50 was replaced in the 1980s by the TRF-1 with Reserve units operating it until the 1990s. It was usabled in anti-tank role depending on its ammunition used as any howitzer, fatal in direct hit, or via shrapnels through the engine deck, and it was operated towed mainly, albeit the AMX-155 SPG canon de 155 mm (6.1 in) mle F3 automouvant used the F3 variant of the M1950. Another vehicle was the Iraeli M-50 155 mm based on the M-50 isherman M4A4-based chassis with an open structure, developed in the early 1960s by Israeli Ordnance Corps in cooperation with France and with c120 units produced, seeing action in the War of Attrition, Six Day War, Yom Kippur War and 1982 Lebanon War.

⚙ Specifications 155 mm(6.1 in) GIAT M1950

Dimensions:7.8 m x 2.7 x 2.5m (25 ft 7 in x 8 ft 10 in x 8 ft 2 in)
Barrel:4.65 m (15 ft 3 in) L/30
Mass8,100 kg (17,900 lb)
Load/recoilInterrupted screw/Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse-4°/69°, 80° (40° either side of the trail)
Rate of fire3-4 rpm
Muzzle velocity650 m/s (2,100 ft/s)
Range18,000 m (20,000 yd)/23,300 m (25,500 yd) max
ShellSeparate loading charge and projectile
Carriage/sightsSplit trail, optical

Canon de 75 modèle 1897

➾ gun produced from 1898, 21,000+

The French 75 mm (popularly known as the "soixante-quinze" referring to its caliber) field gun was a quick-firing field artillery piece, adopted in March 1898. Originally designed as an anti-personnel weapon system capable of a very rate of fire with time-fused shrapnel on enemy troops in the open. It was originally designed after the war of 1870 and defeat, realizing the superiority of German artillery. However instead of choosing heavy artillery pieces and howitzers, slow to install and operate, the French army staff only swore the "Elan" was the most important doctrine of the day and it needed a relatively light field gun which could be carried alongside the troops and rapidly deployed along their progression, using horse-drawn carriages and operated by three men.

So many had been built and fielded some 4,000 in 1914, making it ubiquitous on the battlefield, and when engaged for the role they were designed for, their rate of fire proved indeed devastating, up to 30 rpm for very experienced crews and for short periods. Back in 1896 when its top secret hydro-pneumatic recoil mechanism was operational, it was the world's fastest firing at 15 rpm and widely regarded as the first modern artillery piece. From 1915 they started using impact-detonated HE shells and in 1918 toxic gas shells, but also as truck mounted anti-aircraft artillery and mounted in the Saint-Chamond tank in 1918 and later Char 2c.

Author's rendition of the 75 mm Schneider M1897

⚙ Specifications M1897, AT Variant

Rate of fire
Muzzle velocity

In 1918, the French Army still had 12,000 produced. It was the main gun for the American Expeditionary Forces (2,000) and of the 21,000 delivered in the interwar, most went to export (50+ countries). It was also produced under licence in the US and still fielded in large numbers in WW2 (M1897A4). It was the same for France in 1940, updated with new wheels and tires for truck towing at higher speeds. Called the modèle 1897 modifié 1938 it was accompanied by new shells to keep it relevant and had an altered shield.

The number of 75 mm field guns still around made its a seducing proposal to bolster the number of antitank guns distribited to the troops in 1940. The process of updating the gun started in 1932, and alongside the Modifié 1938, a field gun, were developed the Canon de 75 mm mle 1897 modifié 1933 which had a split-trail carriage allowing 58° traverse and -6° to +50° elevation. Its solid wheels turn with the trails, offering extra protection to the crew. From there was developed the canon de 75 mm mle 1897 sur plateforme Arbel modèle 1935, mounted on a circular platform for quick traverse. For both, AP rounds were introduced, perhaps able of 700 m/sec. velocity but hardly more. With its hardened steel cap it still could defeat most German tanks in May 1940.

Against light armor, the 5.3-kilogram (12 lb) impact-detonated, thin-walled steel HE shell had a velocity of 600+ m/s at a range of 8,500 metres. It was still very efficient in that role with an almost flat trajectory. Also France's Edgar Brandt (of mortar fame) developed an APDS (armour piercing discarding sabot) ammunition in 1938 but it was moslty only used in small numbers with the 25 mm Hotchkiss AT gun as the "25mm Brandt" 37/25 capable of 1150m/s. It was also produced for the 75 mm as the 75/57 Brandt Shell, AP modele 1910M. The APDS 75/57 had a muzzzle velocity of 900m/s and was able to pierce 90mm of steel at 35° at 1000 m, so a Panther could be destroyed frontally... Unfortuntately too few had been produced by May 1940.

The Germans also captured it, as the 7.5 cm Pak 97/38, adding a Swiss-designed muzzle brake, mounting it on German-built carriages. Dedicated post soon.

75 mm IJA Type 94 Mountain gun

➾ gun produced from 1935, 1,557 made until 1945

The Type 94 75 mm mountain gun (Kyūyon-shiki nanagō-miri Sanpō) was a mountain gun, a general-purpose infantry support gun developed for the Imperial Japanese Army and taking part in operations in the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II. It was developed from 1931 to replace the Type 41 75 mm mountain gun and soon became the standard pack artillery piece of Japanese infantry divisions. The Type 94 mountain gun originated in the disapointment with the Type 41 during the invasion of Manchuria, not easily transportable under difficult terrain. First prototype was tested in 1932 and development complete in 1934, it was accepted in service by September 1934 but production started only by 1935 and amounted to 1,557 by the summer of 1945. It was vastly superior to the Type 41 in range and weight and was easy to manage by infantry. It had notably an hydro-pneumatic recoil mechanism based on French Schneider designs.

Author's rendition of the Type 94
Most were horse-drawn with a few tractors dedicated for it, such as the Type 92 5 t Prime Mover "I-Ke" although most trucks were adequate. Another model was the Type 94 4 t Prime Mover "Yo-Ke". The Type 94 mountain gun was a classic model related to the French "75" but also inclusing Krupp guns features. It had an horizontal sliding-block and rested on a split trail carriage with demountable spade plates, fixed trail blocks, move around by two steel band tires on spoked wheels. It was too light, poor velocity to be mounted on a self propelled gun. It was used in Manchukuo 1931–1942, in the second Sino-Japanese War, Netherlands East Indies, South Seas Mandate campaigns, and in cold war by the North Korea′s Korean People's Army and PRC Volunteer Army, both using copies of the Type 94 until 1953.

Its use against tank was allowed by the rare M95 APHE 6.2 kg (13.7 lb) round filled with 0.045 kilograms (0.099 lb) of picric acid and dinitro M95 with a small AP base fuse and extra powder to achieve a better muzzle velocity. It could be towed by a variety of trucks and small vehicles due to its weight of 495 kgs. In 1944 a HEAT round was introduced, able to penetrate roughly 100mm armor at all-ranges in the central Pacific and in 1945 and overcaliber shaped-charge anti-tank round was developed, inspired by the Stielgranate 41.

⚙ Specifications Type 94 mountain gun

Dimensions3.81 m (12 ft 6 in) Firing trails open x 1.023 x 0.89 m
Mass544 kg (1,199 lb) Firing, 495 kg (1,091 lb) Traveling
Load/recoilHorizontal sliding-block, Hydro-pneumatic
Elevation/traverse−10° to +45°, 40°
Rate of fire2-4 rpm, 15 rpm for 2 minutes
Muzzle velocity355 m/s (1,165 ft/s) HE
Range8 km (5.0 mi) HE
Shell75 x 294 mm R (2.95 in) HE(6 types), AP, Shrapnel, chemical...
Carriage/sightsSplit Trail, Panoramic

Obice da 75/18 M34

➾ Howitzer produced from 1934, c600 manufactured

The Obice da 75/18 modello 34 was an Italian Howitzer produced from 1934 to 1945. It originated in a request for mountain artillery in the early 1930s to replace an Austrian pre-WWI now obsolescent and overdue for replacement. In 1934, Ansaldo produced a new mountain howitzer design called the Obice da 75/18 modello 34 under Lt. Colonel Sergio Berlese, former artillery officer. The modello 34 could be broken down into eight loads for easier transport. Standardization led to design the modello 35 as light howitzer in standard field batteries with a box trail. It was also exported to PORTUGAL as only customer and offered to South American countries in exchange for raw materials.

Author's rendition of the Obice da 75/18 M34

It was adapted for the Semovente 75/18 self-propelled gun, with some anti-tank capability with the "Effetto Pronto" (HEAT) ammunition. It saw action with the Italian army in North Africa, and in 1941 some captured ones were used at the Battle of Crete and around Maleme airfield. It soldiered on in Sicily, Italy itself and probably on the eastern front as well.

⚙ Specifications Obice da 75/18 M34

Mass1,065 kg (2,348 lb) Travel, 780 kg (1,720 lb) Combat
Elevation/traverse-10° to +45°, 50°
Rate of firec5 rpm
Muzzle velocity425 m/s (1,395 ft/s)
Range9,564 m (10,459 yd)
Shell75 x 232.5mmR
Carriage/sightsSplit Trail, visual

Antitank Missiles:

  • Australian Malkara
  • Argentina: Mathogo
  • Belarus: Shershen
  • Brazil: MSS-1.2 * FOG-MPM * ALAC
  • Canada: ERYX
  • China: CM-501G * AFT-10 * PA02-MA * PA01-GA * TS-01 * HJ-73 * HJ-8 * HJ-9 * CM-502KG * HJ-11 * HJ-10 * BA-9 * BA-7 * AR-1 * AKD-10 * Type 98 anti-tank rocket * Type 78/65 * AFT-10 * HJ-12
  • Croatia: AT-4
  • France: APILAS * Entac * ERYX * SS.10 * SS.11 * MILAN * MMP
  • Germany: Cobra/Cobra 2000 * Mamba * HOT * PARS 3
  • Hungary: 44M HU
  • India: DRDO ATM * Amogha * Nag * MPATGM * VEM Jasmine
  • Indonesia: Saxhorn-2/Metis-M
  • Iran: RAAD * Tosan * Dehlavie * Saeghe * Toophan
  • Israel: Orev * MAPATS * LAHAT * Spike * Nimrod
  • Italy: Mosquito
  • Japan: Type 64 MAT * Type 79 Jyu-MAT * Type 87 Chu-MAT * Type 96 MPMS * Type 01 LMAT
  • Jordan: Terminator
  • North Korea: Bulsae-1 * Bulsae-2 * Bulsae-3
  • South Korea: Hyungung (Raybolt)
  • Pakistan: Baktar Shikan
  • Poland: Pirat (ATGM)
  • Serbia: Bumbar * ALAS
  • South Africa: ZT3 Ingwe * Mokopa
  • USSR/Russia: Drakon (IT-1) * Taifun * 3M6 Shmel (AT-1 Snapper) * 3M11 Falanga (AT-2 Swatter) * 9M14 Malyutka (AT-3 Sagger) * 9M111 Fagot (AT-4 Spigot) * 9M112 Kobra (AT-8 Songster) * 9M113 Konkurs (AT-5 Spandrel) * 9K114 Shturm (AT-6 Spiral) * 9K115 Metis (AT-7 Saxhorn) * 9K115-2 Metis-M (AT-13 Saxhorn-2) * 9K116-1 Bastion (AT-10 Stabber) * 9K118 Sheksna (AT-12 Swinger) * 9M119 Svir * 9M119M Refleks (AT-11 Sniper) * 9M120 Ataka (AT-9 Spiral-2) * 9K121 Vikhr (AT-16 Scallion) * 9M123 Khrizantema (AT-15 Springer) * 9M133 Kornet (AT-14 Spriggan) * 9M133M Kornet-M * Hermes-A
  • Sweden: Bantam * RBS 56 BILL * RBS 56B BILL 2 * MBT LAW
  • Switzerland: Cobra
  • Turkey: Cirit * Mızrak-O * UMTAS * Karaok manpad
  • United Kingdom: Malkara * Red Planet * Swingfire * Brimstone * Vickers Vigilant * MBT LAW
  • United States: M47 Dragon * Javelin * SRAW BGM-71 TOW * AGM-114 Hellfire
  • Ukraine: RK-3 Corsar * Skif (ATGM)

TOW Missile

The TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided) missile is a versatile anti-tank missile system used by various armed forces around the world. The TOW missile can be launched from a variety of platforms including ground vehicles, helicopters, and tripods. It is Optically tracked and wire-guided. The operator tracks the target using an optical sight, and the missile is guided to the target via wires that trail behind it. The range varies by model but typically ranges from 3,000 to 4,500 meters. It is equipped with a high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead capable of penetrating heavy armor.

Models and Variants:
-TOW 2A (BGM-71E): Features a tandem warhead to defeat reactive armor.
-TOW 2B (BGM-71F): Attacks the target from above, where armor is typically thinner.
-TOW 2B Aero: Extended range version of the TOW 2B.
-TOW Bunker Buster: Designed for use against fortifications and buildings.
  • Dimensions: 1.16–1.17 m with probe folded x 152 mm (1.41–1.51 ext.), wsp 0.46 m
  • Total Weight: 54.5 lbs (24.7kg)
  • Warhead: 3.9–6.14 kg (penetration 430–900 mm RHA)
  • Speed: 278–320 m/s
  • Range: 3,000 m, most variants 3,750 m
  • Guidance: Optically tracked, wire-guided (wireless radio-guided in RF variants)
The TOW missile has been used in numerous conflicts since its introduction in the 1970s. Its effectiveness against armored vehicles has made it a staple in anti-tank warfare. It was notably used during the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, and in various conflicts in the Middle East. On ground Vehicles it was mounted on Humvees and Bradley as well as the West German Jaguar 2 among others. On Helicopters it was used by the Apache, Cobra and MBB-105 among others. It was also man-portable on a tripod. In operations, the launcher is set up and the missile is loaded, target Acquisition is done when the operator identifies and locks onto the target using an optical sight. The missile is launched and the operator continues to track the target, the missile being guided by wire trailing behind it until impact.

Newer versions of the TOW featured improved targeting and tracking capabilities, increased range, enhanced warhead effectiveness.


Blast type Antitank Mines:

AC NM AE T1, ADWAT, AT-8 (Cuba), ATM-72/74/75/96, BLU-91, C-3-A/B, Cardoen AT, CC 48/42/2-42/3, DM-11, Flachmine, FMK-3/5, Hawkins grenade, LPZ, M/47, M1/M1A1, M4, M5, M6, M7, M15, M19, M51/52 MACI, M/71, M75, M/80, M453, M1935/1936, MAT/5/6, MAT-62B/76/84-F5, MATS/1.4, MATS/2, MATS/2.6, MGP-31, MI AC PR, Mk 2/3/4/5/7, MKT Mod 72, MKTBT, Model 41-47/47-52/67, Model 1948, MP-APVL 83-F4, MPP-B Wierzba, Na-Mi-Ba, No 6/8/25/26, NV-41, P2/P3 Mk2, Panssarimiina m/36/39/40/44, Pappmine, PDM-1/1M/2/2M/6, Pignone P-1/2, PM-60 mine (K-1), PMZ-40, PRB M3, PRB-111, PT-56, PT Mi-Ba, PT Mi-Ba-II, PT Mi-Ba-III, PP Mi-D, PT Mi-K, PTM-80P, SACI, SB-81, SBP-04/07, SH-55, T-IV, T-AB-1, TC/2.4/3.6/6, Tellermine 29/35/42/43, TM-46, TMM-1, TMA-1/2/3/4/5, TMB-1/2, TMN-46, TMSB, TM-35/38/41/44/46/57/62/65, TMD-1/2/40/44, TMD-B, TMM-1, Topfmine A/B/C, TQ-Mi, Type I bakelite, Type 2 AT, Type II bakelite, Type 3 mine, Type 9 wooden ATM, Type 63/72/93/96/99, Volcano mine system, VS-1.6/2.2/3.6, VS-AT4, YaM-5 box mine, YM-II/III mine.

Shaped charge/Misznay Schardin effect Antitank Mines:

Adrushy, ARGES, AT2, ATM 6/7/2000E, BAT/7, FFV 016/028, HAK-1, Hohl-Sprung, HPD-1/2/3, K441/442, Kasia 100/170, L14A1, KB-PTM, KRIZNA-D, M21/24, MC-71, MIACAH F1, MI AC Disp F1 Minotaur, MIFF, Mine Anti-Tank Non-detectable 1A/3A, MN-111/121/123, MPB, MSM MK2, MUSA/MUSPA, No 8 mine, Panzer stab 43, PARM 1/2, PD Mi-PK, PT Mi-D1, PT Mi-P, PT Mi-U, PTM-3, Pz Mi 88, SATM, SB-MV/1, SLAM, T-93, TM-72/83/89, TMK-2, TMRP-7, Type 84, UKA-63, VS-HCT/2/4, VS-SATM1 mine.

Full-width Antitank Mines:

Barmine, BAT/7, FFV 028 (Stridsvagnsmina 6), MSM MK2, Riegel mine 43, Riegel mine 44, V-3 (N5) mine, VS-HCT/HCT2/HCT4 mine.

Side-attack Antitank Mines:

Addermine, Anti-Transport, ARGES/MACPED, ATIS, ATM 6, ATM 7, AVC 100, AVC 195, FFV 018, L14A1, Kasia 100/170/200, M24, MON-100/200, MPB, PARM 1/2, PD Mi-PK, PMN-150/250, TEMP 30, TM-83, wide area M93 HORNET mine.