Czechoslovak Tanks & AFVs of the Cold War

About 20,000 armoured vehicles 1947-1990.

Political Context

Czechoslovakia played a significant role during the Cold War period, experiencing political, social, and economic changes influenced heavily by the larger global conflict between the Western powers (led by the United States) and the Eastern bloc (led by the Soviet Union). At first there was the Post-World War II and Communist Takeover in 1945-1948 as the country fell within the Soviet sphere of influence. Initially, it maintained a coalition government. However, the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) gradually gained power. In February 1948, a communist coup d'état, supported by the Soviet Union, resulted in the KSČ taking complete control of the government. This marked the beginning of Czechoslovakia’s era as a Soviet satellite state.

Then started the Stalinist Era (1948-1953) under the leadership of Klement Gottwald, the new communist government implemented policies in line with Stalinist doctrine. This period saw the nationalization of industries, collectivization of agriculture, and political purges. The government imposed strict censorship and utilized the secret police (StB) to suppress dissent. Then came some De-Stalinization and Limited Reforms (1953-1968) after Stalin's death in 1953, there was a gradual and limited thaw in Czechoslovakia, as in other Eastern Bloc countries. However, the core communist structure and Soviet influence remained strong. The economy faced challenges, and there was growing discontent among the populace.

Then came the Prague Spring (1968), a brief period of political liberalization led by Alexander Dubček, First Secretary of the KSČ in January 1968. Dubček's reforms at the time were known as a "socialism with a human face," and it was aimed at creating a more humane form of socialism by reducing censorship, increasing freedom of speech, and attempting economic reforms. However, these changes were seen as a threat by the Soviet Union. In August 1968, the Warsaw Pact (led by the Soviet Union) invaded Czechoslovakia and halted the reforms. This crushed the "Prague Spring" whereas hardline communists regained control and reverted Dubček’s reforms.

The came a Normalization Period in 1969-1987. it was characterized by the reinstatement of a strict communist regime. Gustav Husák replaced Dubček, leading a government that reinstated heavy censorship, suppressed political dissent, and re-established Soviet control over Czechoslovak policies. During this period, economic stagnation and political repression were prevalent, leading to widespread dissatisfaction.

The Velvet Revolution (1989) was a non-violent transition of power that marked the end of communist rule in Czechoslovakia. It began with mass protests in November, following the fall of the Berlin Wall. Civic movements, notably Charter 77, played a crucial role in mobilizing the population. By December, the communist government had resigned, and Václav Havel, a leading dissident, was elected president. This peaceful transition paved the way for democratic governance and market-oriented reforms. Next was the dissolution of Czechoslovakia (1993) with the end of the Cold War, fall of communism, leading to growing nationalistic sentiments within Czechoslovakia. These culminated in the peaceful dissolution of the country into two independent states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, on January 1, 1993.

The Czechoslovakian Army in the Warsaw Pact

The Czechoslovak People's Army (Československá lidová armáda or ČSLA) was a key component of the Warsaw Pact led by the Soviet Union. The army's role and activities were redefined in their formation and Structure under Soviet guidance. The communist takeover in 1948 further solidified Soviet influence over the military and after the Warsaw Pact was established in 1955 as a counterbalance to NATO, Czechoslovakia became a very important member due to the country's geographical location. It had its military closely integrated with Soviet military planning and operations. The ČSLA narrowly followed Soviet military doctrine and standards, and that included in no small part Soviet hardware, albeit the industry was quickly able to design and produced scores of armoured vehicles and trucks recoignised for their quality.

The ČSLA adopted Soviet military tactics, training, and equipment in large part, with Soviet advisors embedded within the Czechoslovak military to ensure conformity with Warsaw Pact strategies. Exercises were part of this as Czechoslovak troops participated in regular joint exercises with other Warsaw Pact forces. These exercises were designed to improve coordination and readiness for potential conflicts with NATO forces. Paradoxically there was indeed an invasion, but not towards the West, rather from the east, with Prague Spring... and from Warsaw Pact Invasion in 1968.

The Czechoslovak army by August 1968 had to face the combined Warsaw Pact forces (Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Bulgaria) and the army did not resist the invasion due to political directives and overwhelming presence. Throughout the Cold War, the ČSLA maintained a substantial military force, with large numbers of troops, tanks, aircraft, and other military equipment. The army's readiness was continuously assessed through various drills and exercises aimed at preparing for potential NATO aggression. There was a standardization of Equipment using Soviet-standard equipment for MBTs T-54/55 and T-72, artillery and infantry weapons. This standardization facilitated interoperability with other Warsaw Pact forces.

But there was some standardization also within the Pact and oustide USSR: Indeed, Czech industry was already autonomous and quite competent already in the interwar with a full array of weaponry, including tanks and trucks. So this set of skills was still there postwar, and the Soviet Industry soon recoignised this. Eventually, Czechoslovakia made its own APC in 1947, the OT-810, based on the WW2 Hanomag Sd.Kfz.251 half-track. This was started too early to be stopped by Soviet authorities and ended as a mediocre interim vehicle that was soon replaced by a new generation, the amphibious tracked OT-62 TOPAS, close to the Soviet BTR-50 APC (shared with Poland and East Germany), and the OT-64 Skot made primarily by Poland. Another "joint venture" was the Hungarian D-442 Fug and its D-944 IFV. Another interesting "standalone" was the M42/59 Praga which did not really had any equivalent in the Soviet military. The OT-64 8x8 APC also was unlike the Soviet BTR family.

Also, military service was mandatory for Czechoslovak men, ensuring a steady supply of trained personnel. The army also had a professional core of officers and non-commissioned officers who were trained in Soviet military academies. However political changes of the late 1980s, culminating in the Velvet Revolution of 1989, significantly affected the Czechoslovak army. The fall of the communist government led to a re-evaluation of military needs and priorities. With the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the ČSLA underwent significant downsizing and restructuring. Czechoslovakia's division into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993 further split the military forces into two separate national armies.

Needless to say both the Czech and Slovak militaries undergone extensive reforms since the end of the Cold War, from a Warsaw Pact doctrine to a NATO-compatible structure following their accession to NATO in 1999 and 2004, respectively. Probably the most important legacy was the fact fact during the Cold War, Czechoslovakia was a significant producer of tanks and armored fighting vehicles (AFVs) for the Eastern Bloc, leveraging its industrial base to develop and manufacture a variety of armored vehicles. Vast numbers of main battle tanks such as the T-54/55 and T-72 and the BVP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicles were also purchased by USSR thanks to their quality. They were also exported in droves, given their much higher quality standards compared to the Soviet vehicles in general.

Proud rebirth of a famous military industry

Plans of the T-25

During the war, the German army's encouters with the Russian T-34 led to look for alternative solutions for a new medium tank. Škoda (under German control and already turning out thousands of Pz.35(t) already, and numerous derivatives (such as the Hetzer among others). They were pressed to design a new medium tank for the Wehrmacht and by fall 1941, the waffenamt contacted Škoda design team to produce a first drawings of the new T-24. At the same time, another team worked on an even heavier vehicle, the T-25 which caused the T-24 to be cancelled.

Technically, the T-25 was one of the most advanced drawings ever from the Škoda design bureau, with a well sloped hull inspired by the T-34. However development dragged on as Skoda's engineers were diverted on new project, and the T-25, now studied under the German Reich/Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, received low priority as soon the better armed Panzer IV Ausf.F2 with the longer 7.5 cm gun appeared cheaper than the expected T-25, using existing production capacity. The first fully operational T-25 were expected to be delivered at that stage by late 1943, and the Panzer V Panther appeared well before, the latter being the proper answer to the T-34. The T-25 was shelved, but little documentation remains as why exactly. The country also came out with the ČKD F-IV-H, the coal burning Škoda SK 13, or the improved light tank Panzerspähwagen II Ausführung Škoda.

By 10 December 1945 (in a country just freed by Soviet troops), the 1st Department of the Czechoslovak High Command specified a new tank which was ti be studied by the VTU (Military Research Institute). It was supposed to be a 30-33 ton, 85mm/105mm cannon armed with a frontal armor of no less than 65 millimeters, with a diesel engine for 50 km/h and a 5-strong crew. On December 3, 1946, VTU design bureau created a miniature mock-up, the "Tank všeobecného použití" (TVP), based on the best elements of German, British, Russian and Czechoslovak tank designs of the day.

The VTU proposed to adopt the German 88 or 105mm tank guns as main armament and the project was worked over between 1947 and 1948, with demands and details further refined. In parallel ČKD (Pilsen - ČKD) also worked on a competitor design, but little information is available on it. The official request was finally granted by 1949 and the Škoda project became the T-50, while the competitor ČKD project became the T-51 designation, and then in 1950, the T-50/51. But in between, the Czech army was forced into the Warsaw Pact, and thus to adopt Soviet military hardware in all departments. That included of course the T-54/55, soon to be built locally under licence. The project was abandoned, and soon all independent design and construction works in Czechoslovakia ended as well as the last truly Czechoslovak tank project. USSR was less adamant about APCs and thus, giving some leeway to the industry to come out with a better design.


Produced under license in Czechoslovakia, post World War II, 85mm main gun and model 1944 turret, improved armor and mobility.

Produced under license in Czechoslovakia, Introduced in the 1950s with the 100mm D-10T gun, NBC protection, improved fire control. Gradually replaced the T-34/85.

Produced under license in the 1970s with a 125mm smoothbore gun, composite armor and advanced fire control systems.

Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Armoured personnel carrier (APC) jointly developed by Czechoslovakia and Poland, 1960s with Amphibious capability, 14.5mm KPVT machine gun and all-wheel drive.

Infantry fighting vehicle produced under license in Czechoslovakia 1971-1987 with a 73mm 2A28 Grom gun, ATGM launcher and fully amphibious.

Amphibious tracked armoured personnel carrier based on the Soviet BTR-50PK, late 1960s with a 82mm BPK light mortar.

Self-Propelled Guns and Anti-Aircraft Vehicles

ShKH vz. 77 Dana
Self-propelled gun/howitzer of the late 1970s with a 152mm gun, Skoda 8x8 wheeled chassis.

Vz. 53/59 Praga
Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the late 1950s with Twin 30mm autocannons, mounted on Praga V3S truck chassis.

Indigenous Designs and Modifications

While many of the vehicles produced in Czechoslovakia were based on Soviet designs, the country also made significant modifications and some indigenous developments to better suit their specific needs and production capabilities. This included upgrading fire control systems, armor, and mobility features to enhance the effectiveness of these vehicles in a variety of combat scenarios. Overall, Czechoslovakia played a crucial role in supplying the Warsaw Pact with a range of armored vehicles, which were notable for their robustness and adaptability in various combat situations.

Models more in detail:

Czechoslovak built T-34/85CZ

The T-34-85CZ was the Czechoslovak production version of the T-34-85. There was also a studied derivative, the proposed T-34/100, modification with a bigger mantlet and a 100mm gun, never built.

Czechoslovak built T-54/55

Some 1,800 T-54s were ordered in 1957 and produced under license between 1958 and 1963. 1,700 T-55s were ordered in 1963 and produced under license between 1964 and 1973. Overall 2,700 T-54s (1957-1966) and 8,300 T-55s/T-55As (1964-1983), the latter mostly for export.

Czechoslovak built T-72:

About 1,700 T-72/T-72M/T-72M1 were produced between 1981 and 1990 with the Czechoslovak army keeping dome 815 T-72 in 1991.

After the fall of USSR

From now on for decades, all the Czechoslovak tanks would be derivatives of the Soviet models as seen below: Czechoslovakia - 1,800 T-54s were ordered in 1957 and produced under license between 1958 and 1963. 1,700 T-55s were ordered in 1963 and produced under license between 1964 and 1973.[25] Overall 2,700 T-54s were produced under license between 1957 and 1966 and 8,300 T-55s and T-55As between 1964 and 1983 (T-55A was probably produced since 1968) (most for export). Passed on to successor states. Czech Republic - At least 296 T-54s and T-55s, 2 MT-55s, 25 VT-55s were inherited from Czechoslovakia.[25][26] 792 T-55s and T-72s were in service in early 2001.[26] According to the UN register of conventional arms Czech Armed Forces operated 948 T-55s and T-72s in 1997, 938 in 1998, 792 in 1999 and 652 as of 1 January 2001.[26] Last vehicles were withdrawn from service in early years of the 2000s (decade). Slovakia - At least 206 were inherited from Czechoslovakia.[27] 1 T-55AM2B received from Czech Republic in 2000. 1 T-55AM2 received from Czech Republic in 2001.[26] 2 T-55AM2s received from Czech Republic in 2005.[26][26] 275 T-55s and T-72s were in service in 1999.[26] 3 T-55s were in service in early 2001.[28]"

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Tanks had no tactical manual when first used. It was learned the hard way and perfected over decades, as well as weapons, countermeasures and accompanying vehicles.