Note: Text made by ChatGpt. The original is still on tank encyclopedia.
The T-34/85 is a Soviet medium tank that was developed and widely used during World War II and in the years following the war. It was an improved version of the earlier T-34 tank, which had been one of the most successful and influential tank designs of the war. The "T-34" in the name refers to the tank's model, while the "85" denotes the tank's main armament: an 85mm gun. The T-34/85 was introduced in 1944 and featured a larger turret with a more powerful 85mm D-5T gun compared to the earlier 76.2mm gun on the standard T-34. This larger gun allowed the T-34/85 to engage enemy tanks more effectively. The T-34/85 was known for its simplicity, reliability, and the ability to be produced in large numbers. It had sloped armor that offered good protection, and it was relatively fast and agile for its time. These characteristics made it a formidable tank on the Eastern Front of World War II and in various post-war conflicts. The T-34/85 continued to serve in many armed forces well into the Cold War era, and it played a significant role in conflicts around the world. It remains an iconic symbol of Soviet tank design and World War II history.
Dimensions (L-W-H) 8.15 (5.12 without gun) x 3 x 2.6 m
26’9″ (16’10” without gun) x 9’10” x 8’6″
Track width 51 cm (1’8″ ft.inch)
Total weight, battle ready 32 tons
Crew 5
Propulsion V12 diesel GAZ, 400 bhp (30 kW)
Speed 38 km/h (26 mph)
Range (road) 320 km (200 mi)
Armament 85 mm (3.35 in) ZiS-S-53
2x DT 7.62 mm (0.3 in) machineguns
Armor 30 to 80 mm (1.18-3.15 in)
Production (model 1944 only) 17,600

The T-34/85 is a Soviet medium tank that was developed and widely used during World War II and in the years following the war. It was an improved version of the earlier T-34 tank, which had been one of the most successful and influential tank designs of the war. The "T-34" in the name refers to the tank's model, while the "85" denotes the tank's main armament: an 85mm gun. The T-34/85 was introduced in 1944 and featured a larger turret with a more powerful 85mm D-5T gun compared to the earlier 76.2mm gun on the standard T-34. This larger gun allowed the T-34/85 to engage enemy tanks more effectively. The T-34/85 was known for its simplicity, reliability, and the ability to be produced in large numbers. It had sloped armor that offered good protection, and it was relatively fast and agile for its time. These characteristics made it a formidable tank on the Eastern Front of World War II and in various post-war conflicts. The T-34/85 continued to serve in many armed forces well into the Cold War era, and it played a significant role in conflicts around the world. It remains an iconic symbol of Soviet tank design and World War II history.
T-34-85 model 1944 specifications
26’9″ (16’10” without gun) x 9’10” x 8’6″
2x DT 7.62 mm (0.3 in) machineguns

One of the two prototypes of the T-43 designed between December 1942 and March 1943 by the Morozov Design Bureau, and delivered by Uralvagonzavod. These vehicles were up-armoured, had a new three-man turret (adopted later by the T-34-85), a new gearbox, new torsion arm suspension and other improvements. It was still armed with the usual F-34 76 mm (3 in) gun and was slightly slower. Because converting the factory lines for production of this model would be too costly and would add delays to the production, the project was canceled.

T-34-85 Model 1943, early production vehicle from a Red Guards battalion, Leningrad sector, February 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943, early production version, Operation Bagration, July 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943, early production version, Red Guards Battalion unit, Operation Bagration, fall 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943, late production, fresh from the Red Sormovo Works at Gorki, March 1944.

A T-34-85 model 1943 from the “Dmitry Donskoi” Battalion. This unit was raised through donations made by the Russian Orthodox Church. This unit was accompanied by several OT-34 flame-thrower versions (based on T-34/76 model 1943). All of these tanks featured white livery and the “Dmitry Donskoy” inscription painted in red, February-March 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943 from the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Jassy-Kishinev (Iași-Chișinău) Offensive, August 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943, late production version, unknown unit, Southern Front, winter 1944/45.

T-34-85 Model 1943, late production version, Third Ukrainian Front, Bulgaria, September 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1943 from the First Belorussian Front, Warsaw sector, September 1944.

T-34-85 model 1943, May 1945, Battle of Berlin. Notice the improvised protection made of bed frames welded over the turret. They were used to protect against infantry-held Panzerfaust weapons. Others were fixed to the hull sides, although these were partly protected by fuel tanks and storage boxes, and better sloped. The front mud guards were removed. This was often done when fighting in an urban environment and is testified by many photos.

T-34-85 Model 1944 at Dukla pass, Hungary, October 1944.

T-34-85 model 1944, 2nd Ukrainian Front, Battle of Debrecen, Hungary, October 1944.

T-34-85 Model 1944 flattened turret model, Eastern Prussia, February 1945.

T-34-85 Model 1944 flattened turret model, Budapest Offensive, winter 1944/45.

T-34-85 Model 1944 with curved mudguards, unidentified unit, with a rare improvised camouflage.

T-34-85 model 1944, with spoked road wheels. The turret had red bands painted on top, intended for identification by friendly pilots. Unknown unit, North-East Berlin sector, April 1945.

T-34-85 model 1944, sporting improvised wooden protection, Western Prussia, March 1945.

A Polish T-34-85 model 1944, in action in Germany, early 1945. Hundreds of T-34-85’s were part of this new Polish “People’s Army” formed after the liberation of the country in late 1944, sporting the Polish eagle, but driven by Russian crews.

A T-34-85 model 1944 during the offensive on Berlin, March 1944, without mudguards, just before receiving additional protection against the “Faustniks” (Panzerfaust).

T-34-85 Model 1944, rounded turret model, with additional protection against Panzerfausts, Southern Berlin sector, May 1945.

T-34-85 during the Manchurian Campaign, August 1945.
An OT-34-85 of an unidentified unit, 1944. This was the standard flame-thrower variant. The hull machine-gun was replaced by an ATO-42 flame projector, capable of throwing napalm or other flammable liquids to a maximum distance of 100 m (330 ft). They saw extensive use against pillboxes and blockhouses throughout Germany.
SU-100 tank destroyer: An evolution of the SU-85 based on the T-34-85 chassis, developed during the fall of 1944, and rearmed with a longer barreled, 100 mm (3.94 in) version of the D10 antitank gun, to keep pace with the new German tanks. About 2400 were built until 1945.

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