Namibia is now a seperate country, but before the end of Apartheid, it was basically a province of South Africa (SWA), with central funding and planning from Pretoria. A specific vehicle was developed there, the Wolf, in Windhoek, to replace the Casspir. Still today it's a relatively foggy vehicle, developed into further variants, and still in service in the Namibian Army.

For the last several years of the 80's decade, South African Casspirs ran roads and plowed the bush of Ovamboland in search and destroy operation against guerrillas of the South-West African People’s Organization (SWAPO). This 11-ton vehicle had heavy firepower and sturdy protection against land mines, faring well in counterinsurgency (COIN). The 23-year bush war ended with Namibia taking independence from South Africa under U.N. supervision. U.N. police monitors acquired 10 Casspirs for their own use. All kind of Casspir were used by regular and paramilitary forces in Ovamboland, Koevoet giving it a fearsome rep, through brutal tactics in preying out the SWAPO guerrillas infiltrating across the border from Angola. There was an apparent variant of Casspir which passed as a more powerful version called the "Wolf Turbo" which answered an apparent need for a faster, more agile variant of the Casspir. Thus, it shared many similarities, and was developed at Windhoek in the South West African province (later Namibia) before and after independence.

Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik was initially a defence contractor founded in 1939 and providing equipment for the African defence Force and the South West African Territorial Force. In 1977 WMF started manufacturing Casspir Mine Protected Vehicles and after the Independence of Namibia from South Africa in 1989, it was nationalized in a process completed by 1998 as main supplied for the Namibian army. The company became essentially a subsidiary of Namibian Defence Force under management of (ret.) Major General Ben Kadhila as Director. It was responsible for the following vehicles: Wolf I, Wolf II, Wolf Turbo II (14 tons), WerWolf Mk I (10 tons), Wer’wolf MKII (17 tons) and MK III, the Wolf 6x6 recovery vehicle and WerWolf Mk II 6X6 recovery vehicle.


There are preety much no plans to go with, albeit a 3D reconstitution was done by Sigmund Hentze on zbrush using 4R8 which gives a full impresssion (see src). Based on this, the Wolf is not that different compared to the Casspir, its main difference would be a shorter chassis, and the design of it rear compartment windows, which seems slanted forward unlike the Casspir's which are straight framed. https://www.zbrushcentral.com/t/south-african-police-mine-protected-vehicle-wolf-turbo-ii/206923. Reddit photo: red ovals were drawn to show where the antennas were mounted on the Turbo Wolf compared to the standard Wolf which had them mounted elsewhere.

Wolf Turbo
The Wolf Turbo III, was the "Mine Killer" prototype. Built by MWF at the behest of Vernon Joynt, it was not successful as built, shipped to Mechem for further modifications and tests. it was added to the Force Protection Buffalo.Wolf 5-500
This mine resistant armoured personnel carrier was also produced by Windhoek Machine Fabrications for the United Nations, used by Australians of the UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) to consolidate Namibia's independence and any interference from Sourh Africa. The Wolf 5-500 was shorter than the South West Africa Police (SWAPOL) Wolves by 500mm (hence the name), was 100 hp less powerful and still capable of 160km/h on paved roads. They were preferred over the older Buffel and Casspir.Sterk Hans
6x6 ("Strong Hans") developed from the 4X4 Wolf. First monocoque 6x6 mine-protected vehicle in the world.Wer'wolf

A 4x4 evolution of the Wolf Turbo III Mine Killer became the WMF Wer'wolf, with Mechem involvement. The Wer'wolf MK2 used a MAN chassis, axles and engine and was made modular with a crew compartment seating three plus a driver and rear flatbed configuration to implement different modules, notably 10 passengers. The Mark II was Designed and built in 1998 as the first Mine Protected Vehicle manufactured by Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik, after being bought by the Government of Namibia.
Exports & operational history

Koevoet member stands next to a South African Wolf Turbo MRAP, SWA 1980's.
It seems as twenty South African-made Casspir and thirty Wolf and Wolf Turbo APCs made by Windhoeker Maschinenfabrik constituted the bulk of the Namibian army wen independent. Wolf and Werewolf APC variants includes now the Mk I, and Mk II and Mk III Turbo (latter very different, closer to the RG series) which can be used as troop carriers, ambulances, water tankers, anti-aircraft gun platforms and logistics and command vehicles. According to the Military Technology World Defence Almanac 2012, Namibia also has some WZ523 wheeled armoured personnel carriers from China, BRDM armoured cars and BTR-12s in service.
Trivia: A wolf Turbo II was used in the clip dirty harry from Gorillaz, shot in the Namibian desert. src.

Wolf I. The latter had typically a shielded twin Browning mount atop the roof and an additional Browning 0.3 inches MG in a window port, manned by the co-driver. Quite some firepower in addition to its 12-12 fully equipped infantry/police. shorter and faster while keeping the mine-protection ability of previous SANDF Bush war vehicles, the Wolf is still a shadowy vehicle today with a small production by a newly independent state.


wmf.com.na/ Casspir and other vehicles refurbishment
Wolf 5-500 on awm.gov.au
Vehicles left to study
Buffel, Casspir, Hippo, Mamba, Marauder, Matador, Maverick, Okapi, RCV-9 Reva, RG-12, RG-19, RG-31 Nyala, RG-32 Scout, RG-33, RG-34, RG-35, RG-41, RG Outrider, PUMA M26-15, Husky VMMD, Meerkat, G6 Rhino, Mfezi, Valkiri, SAMIL, Bateleur.
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